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About ingo.buettner@gmx.net

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    On the Coast
  1. Same shit here. Tried to repair a UAZ twice this day. The first one we had repaired half when the server restarts and after loggin back in it was totally screwed again. I thought we had bad luck with the server because our tent we placed before the server restart wasn't there anymore too. So we changed the server and collected half the parts, repaired what we had at this time and went searching for parts again. On our way back with the last parts the server did a unexpected restart and by the time we were back at the UAZ, it was again totally screwed. I hit save 3 or 4 times before leaving the UAZ after the first repair. But i didnt help.... 5 hours of gameplay for nothing...
  2. ingo.buettner@gmx.net

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    Fixed it for me thanks! ATI HD6950 i5-3570K But on my other PC, nVidia GTS450 Q6600, the graphic bugs are still there.
  3. ingo.buettner@gmx.net

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I still have the graphic glitches. NW Airfield while looking from the forest on the west side in direction of the south barracks. I didn't try out another location.
  4. ingo.buettner@gmx.net

    Crazy Graphics Glitch [PLEASE FIX :( ]

    Hi. I have the same problem since the update to The first time i've seen this was northwest of the green mountain tower where the street leaves the forest. There are two red/white striped barriers on the street wich i couldnt look at. I was at the tower before but everything was fine there. And the same bug near the Balota air field. I think the center of the graphic bugs was near the camp. I've tried to use the "flush" command but it didn't help