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About Muraza

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. My friends and I all play together, but they do not have as much time as myself to put into the game and look for gear and such. When they get online it just seems they look for random servers to jump onto and play for the night and then log off. We never have a consistent server really and it is getting frustrating because I am just finding to much gear for one person to carry. I have 2 camping tents on me and I have been waiting for us to make a choice on what server to play on, should I just lay them down where I see fit at this point?
  2. Muraza

    Fell over and died..

    Twice I was in cherno in the apartments running up the stairs and my character would just die from 12000 blood, wasn't shot or anything. Please give our survivors pacemakers.
  3. Was playing at around 7am today and had perfectly fine FPS on max settings, with the Ramdisk done to my computer and the setting in the OA file turned to 1. I am trying to play right now 5:30 EST and my fps on any server I join is literally 1 fps. Has anything updated secretly that I didn't see on the forum here, or is anyone else having this issue? Halp plz