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Everything posted by night_chrono

  1. night_chrono

    Emetophobia - Will I have problems?

    How well do you handle playing L4D and the boomer bile? If you haven't tried may I suggest that you do, while having someone on standby to call 911.
  2. If I might put this into some perspective. 100M is about a city block (or at least it is in the suburb I live in). If you honest think you could hear a knife sliding into a piece of meat from a CITY BLOCK away, you need to become Dare Devil or something. I can't hear someone put their knife in meet from across the damn table, let alone 100 meters away.
  3. Why do people keep assuming that the only people who don't like this updates are bandits? For the record I never KOS, and usually do my best to avoid contact. I have sat on hillsides watching towns for 30+ minutes waiting for people to move on. Plus it's already been stated that zombies can (emphasis CAN, not always) see you from 300+ meters out while prone. So crawling doesn't always solve the problem. Also for the record I have been playing since there were only 2 servers online (forgot the version number). My first time playing I had 20+ zombies chasing me for over a kilometer while I occasionally turned around and shot to thin the herd. Seriously you need to stop assuming things about other people. Just accept the fact that there are other opinions than your own and stop trolling/flamebaiting/being retarded.
  4. Why should I argue with someone who doesn't read what I write? I could of said "PASTA IS FATTENING, RABBIT TASES GOOD WHY R THEIR NO DEER?" and the response would have been as equally valid. Not to mention this entire forums seems to lack a sense of humor, or understand the concept of "hyperbole".
  5. Here ya go: http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=hooked+on+phonics&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=4643670117&hvpos=1t2&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6025740831526925219&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&ref=pd_sl_72sofm5m5x_b
  6. There has to be a balance between fun and 100% realism. With this patch I think it went a little over the line. Before everyone runs in to say "QQ more herp derp i cant actually think", let me elaborate. If you want 100% realism "Mountain Man Simulator 2013", sorry you will never get it. Not in this game, or ArmA 3, or anything in the foreseeable future. But here are my ideas for the 100% real mountain man simulator: If you break your leg you have to wait 6+ real time weeks before you can walk again. If you want a blood transfusion you better make sure you can accept the donors blood type, otherwise you die! Want to know your blood type? Too bad, it's the apocalypse and lab equipment is long gone. You take the chance with bloodtypes anyways only to realize that neither you or your buddy were an EMT/Nurse/Medic etc. Eating nothing but meat, pasta, and beans? Die of scurvy. Got shot in the leg once? The intense pain causes you stop everything you were doing previously. If you manage to stay conscious you have only a few minutes to stop the bleeding (Ignoring the EMT argument from before for a minute). Even if you survive the ordeal you now permanently walk slower, after the 6+ weeks of not moving while you recover. Have to stop to urinate/defecate. First time picking up a weapon, and you can't stop shaking, you miss consistently, and 1/whatever chance it flies out of your hand because you weren't holding it right. Drink soda to hydrate? Actually dehydrates you AND you get diabetes. Those are just the few ideas I had off the top of my head. The whole point is that DayZ is a GAME (a simulation is still a game) and will never be 100% true to life and never should be. This patch pushes things into the realm of annoying getting closer to just plain not fun.
  7. night_chrono

    DayZ Mod Update

    Ok so the czech backpack could very well be larger. However that was not my initial point. My initial point was that it was a major change that was made with no regard for the player base. I am suggesting that the devs have to run things by the community before they do them, just simply take a second to think about the consequences for the average player.
  8. night_chrono

    DayZ Mod Update

    Either it's bugged or the devs can't convey the features properly. Either way we are awaiting a comment on it.
  9. night_chrono

    DayZ Mod Update

    Then try saying what you mean. I already tried the discussing in a calm manner. You didn't read what I wrote so I insulted you. Try passing first grade level reading comprehension before you try to write a reply. Ever hear the saying "size isn't everything"? While the Czech backpack certainly is taller, it very well might not have more volume (not to mention packs like that tend to have extensive frames that make them look bigger). The ALICE has a number of visible compartments, and just plain looks easier to organize/manage. I already addressed this by saying lower the spawn rate for ALICE. Because your parents never loved you and you crave the attention. Also, have yet to rage. Emphasis does not equal rage. You can go ahead and tell the devs that they made a dumb decision. I assure you none of them are going to kill themselves over it.
  10. night_chrono

    DayZ Mod Update

    I already stated that losing four items isn't that big of a deal. Way to have your retard meter turned up to eleven! It's the fact that they changed it with no regard to the player base. If they had a big bold topic on all forums saying "ALICE PACK HAVING CAPACITY REDUCED IN XX DAYS" I wouldn't be here right now arguing this. Sorry I am the only one in this topic not gargling the balls of the developers and can actually formulate my own opinion. Not to mention you continued your trend of not actually refuting any points or offering counter points. But go ahead and keep letting the dribble flow out your fingers.
  11. night_chrono

    DayZ Mod Update

    Enlighten me as to how that is a fix for the stated problem. Except the patch notes say nothing of adjusting the drop rate for bags. So instead of simply reducing the rate of ALICE spawns, they cut how much stuff it holds with no regards for the consequences of players with them, and took the just as common pack and made it hold more. Makes PERFECT sense. Well according to the official github (https://github.com/R.../wiki/Backpacks), they have dedicated weapon slots. So either the entire thing doesn't work, or the community devs can't convey simple numbers. I am going to stick to Lingor/Namalask while I wait for stand alone. They really fucked this one up bad.
  12. night_chrono

    DayZ Mod Update

    Why would the devs fuck over their playerbase like this? Yea losing a few odds and ends isn't going to cause me to die, but to suddenly switch the number two and 3 backpack size is just plain dumb. What if WoW, or some other MMO suddenly switched their highest level gear with the gear from a dungeon in a previous expansion? That's basically what they did here. Furthermore giving dedicated weapons slots was COMPLETELY unnecessary and now game breaking. Let me load a Czech pack with a M16, AS50, M249, and M136 with a few rounds each. Makes PERFECT sense.
  13. night_chrono

    DayZ Mod Update

    Since no one answered this question, I will ask again. I have a full ALICE pack (20 items, no weapons), what happens to my stuff when I log in?
  14. night_chrono

    Pending Update: Build

    My only concern with the login/out tracking is that so many servers are still unstable, and hopping is a nescisary evil. Just last night I went to play with some firends and we picked a server. Our pings to it were under 50, but we were getting horrible framerates, so we left. Next server we tried didn't have loot spawning. Next server after that had zombies frozen in place. Next server was fine for a few minutes that loot started DE-spawning before my eyes. Next one after that I connected to for a few minutes but for some reason my friend couldn't connect to so I left. All of that was in about 15 minutes. I know that it could look like I was simply hopping around looking for loot, but in reality it was quite different.
  15. night_chrono

    Admitted Duping and Hacking 20+ LLKJ members

    This is a game' date=' not real life. We are dicks BECAUSE it is a game. If you didn't forget that, then there would be no reason to be a dick. Ban on sight? "there were 20 goons on the server" So the actions of some individuals makes up your opinion of a community of 160,000? Seriously grow up, all of you. Plus like someone else pointed out its an ALPHA. Expect character wipes eventually anyways.
  16. Title pretty much sums it up. Make so that if it start raining, any empty water bottles in your inventory get filled. If I had an empty bottle and it started raining, I would just pop the lid and catch as I ran. Or make it a context menu item so you have to sit still for a minute or something. As long as rain is a viable source of water.
  17. night_chrono

    Make rain automatically fill water bottle.

    A funnel to go in the equipment slots like knife/matches etc. would be perfect. Another fantastic idea. It would have to be able to be broken down and taken with you though. I wouldn't want to go through the trouble of setting one up only for some server issues making me lose it. Or put the occasional rain barrel as static objects.