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Everything posted by sALADIN1

  1. sALADIN1

    Patch 1.7.1 - Definitely Needed

    Well, while I think it may have been slightly overtuned (and I do mean only slightly), I am actually having more fun now. Sure, I've been killed 3 times within 20 minutes of starting, but I actually had fun while dying. Also, not starting with any supplies means it's much less likely that players will kill you as soon as you spawn, because a) the zombies will get you and b) new players have nothing anyway.
  2. sALADIN1

    Bandit Fails

    I was in NWAF, in the barracks, when I hear shots from outside. I close the door of the room I'm in, go prone and, feeling super clever, move to the side of the room so he won't immediately see me. about 5 minutes later, door opens, I empty a clip of AKM... into the door. He turns around and headshots me with a DRM. If that happens again, I'm crouching in the middle of the room...
  3. This would be really good. One time, I was bleeding, and I lost about 2k blood looking for bandages in the mouse wheel menu before I remembered it had been taken out.
  4. sALADIN1

    Police zombies

    I think they should spawn in civilian areas. It makes far more sense than random policemen wandering around airbases and it would also be nice to get a chance at some ammo in towns too.
  5. CZ-550 with about 7 mags Makarov with 10 mags (yes I know...) 5 canteens 2-3 soda about 6 cans of food compass I'm not particularly good or lucky :p
  6. sALADIN1

    Best Video Dayz

    Pretty sure it's Portuguese, judging from the fact that it's most popular in Brazil.
  7. sALADIN1

    DayZ Screenshots!

    use *image*[(forward slash)URL] http://www.iforce.co.nz/View.aspx?i=0akzmbit.hay.jpg Or you can use attachments.
  8. sALADIN1

    DayZ Memes

    [attachment=326] The images are mostly plagiarised.
  9. sALADIN1

    DayZ Screenshots!

    D'aww, aren't they cute? Thinking they can get through a chainlink fence... [attachment=325] They did actually attack and scream etc.
  10. sALADIN1

    Let There Be FIRE! - bugged -

    Some men just want to watch the world burn...
  11. sALADIN1

    Saving Cars/Heli

    I'm pretty sure you need to go back to the same server. I'm not entirely sure what the save function does though. If you find a vehicle and don't know what server you're on, ask in the side channel and write it down.
  12. sALADIN1

    DayZ Memes

  13. sALADIN1

    Global Siren Sound (Every player hears it)

    I think the zombie horde idea isn't bad, make it a roving horde of loads of zombies (100-200) that moves randomly around the map, and impossible to take out without some sort of vehicle (helicopter miniguns anyone?). Have it comprised of loads of different zombie types, so after killing it you get food, water and ammo. Also have town zombies join the horde if it is under-strength, and then have it respawn after 36 hours if it is completely destroyed.
  14. Maybe make military bases have many more zombies, therefore making people team up to get the BEST gear, but still making a soloing an option to just survive.
  15. sALADIN1

    Type of shop

    Wouldn't people just kill him? The way around this would be to have him behind bulletproof glass (trader from Killing Floor) or have him invincible, both of which would be pretty stupid.
  16. sALADIN1

    @ rocket: Humanity / Sanity issues

    I think there certainly should be a penalty for killing people. There is one in game now, of course, that being the bandit skin, but I agree with its removal because it does seem completely contrived. The only thing stopping someone from taking a life IRL if there was a zombie apocalypse is their own moral code, BUT this is very hard to replicate in a computer game because you know that they will just have to start again with a new character, and not really lose all that much (unless they had NVG/cars/choppers etc). The only way around this would be to implement some sort of morality system, but of course this would be almost as bad as the bandit skin. There definitely should be a penalty for very low humanity, but it would be very hard to implement one, because there isn't a way of knowing how someone would react to possibly seeing their entire family turned into ravening monsters and having to re-kill them. Personally, if that happened to me, I don't think I'd mind headshotting a few other survivors either for their canned beans. Off-topic, I really do like the idea of finding different skins around the world.