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About sALADIN1

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. sALADIN1

    [GUIDE] Vehicles & Repair

    Are you sure it actually needs those wheels? Because I found an Old Hatchback and had the option to repair the middle wheels... that was quite a while ago though, before private servers were common. Also, internet high-five for Hampshire residents.
  2. sALADIN1

    How to fly a plane?

    Lots of people saying armory... why? Just spawn one in the editor with you as pilot and off you go. Also probably worth practicing gliding it to a safe landing in case your engine gets destroyed/you run out of fuel etc.
  3. sALADIN1

    Heroic players

    Another important thing to note: Just because someone has the hero skin, doesn't mean they are friendly... it is very easy to get if you have a friend: Just go near a hospital, get hit by zombies until bleeding, then transfuse each other until you have hero skin. Only takes 20 blood bags.
  4. sALADIN1

    Actually launching as CO

    Copy all the .pbo files from steam\steamapps\common\arma 2\AddOns into steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion\AddOns. When prompted, do not, I repeat, DO NOT overwrite files, instead choose to keep old files. If you overwrite, you will have the ARMA2 UI while playing dayz, which will make bandaging, eating and drinking very difficult.
  5. This would get exploited by large clans (20+ people, not very common but there are a few) who want to get their NVG and stuff back after being sniped from 1km away.
  6. No it isn't. You know what would be pretty major? Having a hacker steal your bank details and then use them to hire thugs to come round your house and force you to fire a lee enfield in the middle of cherno, then break your legs. In real life.
  7. sALADIN1

    Please Remove This Prop Completely

    Or how about you grow up, because there are plenty of tents that don't have this prop in it, and I shouldn't have to mention that the grass and trees have a notable absence of this specific prop. The prop breaks immersion more than anything, thus making it unsuitable for DayZ.
  8. sALADIN1


    I agree with the idea of a defib, but not the implementation. My version of it would be that you can use it to revive someone who has been dead for less than 60 seconds, they spawn with 100 blood, and are unconscious for 5 minutes after returning to life. making it so that you can only revive them with over -3000 blood would make it useless if they got sniped (getting hit in the chest by an M107, for example, takes 36k blood). The machine would take up 2-4 inventory slots, be found only in hospitals (not medical tents), and have a spawn chance of 0.28% (same as NVGs, GPS etc).
  9. sALADIN1

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

  10. The thread title had me geared up for a rage OMG NERFZ THE SNIPERZZZZZ thread but I agree with you completely. My group of 4 currently has a CZ 550, an AS50 and an M107 (our fourth member doesn't like sniping and uses an M16A2), and we can wipe out anything we want to from over a kilometer away. Fun, but it would be more fun if it was actually difficult.
  11. sALADIN1

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Me and my 3 friends all have this issue.
  12. sALADIN1

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    103: In Chernarus, supermarket managers never caught on to the western trend of stocking raw meat.
  13. sALADIN1

    DayZ Stories

    My car was running out of fuel. I drove over to the gas station East of Gorka. I left my car about 100m away, grabbed a jerry can, and went over. Filled up the can, started to leave, when I heard the sound of an engine. First thought: OH S&%T! Somebody's found my car. About 10 seconds later, after I saw it was a different car: OH S&%T! He's gonna kill me! He had by now attracted all the zombies at the station, and I was looking at them down the scope of my M14 AIM. He stopped, honked the horn, and I started to move towards him. He drove off before I could get in - the zombies had caught up. I figured he was probably friendly, and went to get my car. I followed his trail a way down the road, found him returning after having lost the zombies. Anyway, we watched each others backs as we refuelled, and after that, went our separate ways. Massive amounts of credit to him - he could easily have shot me any time, but stayed his hand, even after seeing my FN FAL and M14 that I had in the car. Things like that almost make me reconsider my life of banditry (I didn't kill him because I tend not to shoot on sight if you see me first, unless I'm cornered and you haven't made any attempt to show that you're friendly).
  14. sALADIN1

    Your most insane lucky streak

    An update on my completely retarded lucky streak. Shortly after I fixed my car, I happened upon a chopper crash. There I found an FN Fal and 2 M14s. There wasn't much ammo for the M14s so I set up camp, and headed towards Krasnostav airport. No joy unfortunately - only one mag. Next, I went to NWAF (a bit further but not too far). Again, pretty disappointing - 2 mags found there, both the barracks having pretty much nothing. I checked the spot where I had found my first chopper on the way back - nothing there (the server had restarted, I was hoping it had maybe spawned in the same place). I checked another spot that I knew had spawned a chopper in the past. Nothing there either. A little disheartened, I headed home. What I found when I got there... needs pictures. (I lost an M14 - dropped it to make way for my hatchet to kill a cow... never saw it again).