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Tronnic (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tronnic (DayZ)

  1. I still had it on my server. http://www.tronnic.net/downloads/Sigma1.52.3.zip I hope its okay to post the download, if not then just message me.
  2. Tronnic (DayZ)

    Looking for an european privat hive server

    You can also try out DE 791 [private hive] :) Its mine.
  3. Tronnic (DayZ)


    I know this thread is a bit older, but I want to bump this because I have a question about this log here: The red marked is me. And I am sure I didnt script anything. I dont even know how that works. The guy named "Totally" was a hacker, he teleported us arround and killed us (but I found no scripts in the logs) The guys namend Sinu and ivory were in my teamspeak, and they said to me that they never used any scripts. So what should I do now?
  4. Server admins can send messages trough the RCON Tool. Thats legit.
  5. Tronnic (DayZ)

    Long Standing, Reliable Server

    Hey, I am the hoster of DE 791. It runns on my own Rootserver. Running with no downtime for a month now.
  6. Tronnic (DayZ)

    Snipers are OP?

    Just allow us to get ACE and we're good to go :-)
  7. Arma isnt a game, its a simulation. If you drive on a sign in the real world your car would also be damaged. :-)
  8. Tronnic (DayZ)

    Problems with flickering

    Hello everyone, I sometimes have a flickering graphic bug ingame. Mostly when im looking at the sun or when the light changes. Look at that Video: Its not my video, its just the same effect. I already tryed to dis- / enable VSync and to play around with my settings. Nothing helped yet, I hope someone can give me a solution to this. Cause sometimes its really annyoing. Thanks.
  9. I didnt changed a line in it. Its default in 1724. :-) Just showed him that its disabled.
  10. Hey there, Im the owner of DE 791. Feel free to swim there =) Just that you belive me: Have fun! =)