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Posts posted by Tratitad

  1. unarmed people is a threat , i remember meeting a vet waiting for his friend on electro beach , i was unarmed with no pack , i asked him if i could go with them for more security , they said yeah. after a while i think they got bored from me and they tried to run away without me when i was paying less attention .

    when i found them back 2 building later , i ran in the building , ran upstairs before them and found a good old shotgun, instant took it , then aimed at the stairs... you know what happened next...

    Trust no one , even an unarmed guy.

    Don't mess , even with an unarmed guy ;)

    sad but true.

    Just wondering, did you happen to get an akm off of one of them? And did you also happen to bump into the same player while you were on your way to balota airfield? Was your name gabriel iglesias?
