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About andrewmcevoy1995@hotmail.co.uk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. andrewmcevoy1995@hotmail.co.uk

    Our chopper goes missing

    so someone takes your chopper, and when you bug abuse to get it back and find thats not working, you come to the forums to let everyone know youre a piece of shit?
  2. andrewmcevoy1995@hotmail.co.uk

    vehicles break too easily

    hes the most skilled driver in our group. we recruited for his wheelman expertise, + plus he called dibs on driver and refused to let anyone else have a go, so kicking him is out of the question
  3. andrewmcevoy1995@hotmail.co.uk

    vehicles break too easily

    My friends literally had their care for about 3 minutes until it just randomly broke. if you dont believe me we actually frapsed it, so you can see just how long a vehicle takes to break. just notice how little it takes before going "in the red"
  4. andrewmcevoy1995@hotmail.co.uk

    Me and my friends found an abandoned bus

    HAHAH! the ending loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool