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About Balaclava

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    On the Coast
  1. thats bout right he teleported us to him and tried to lure us into acepting a hacked UAZ...
  2. Balaclava

    G.R.I.M. MEU - Now recruiting

    i might join U guys... does your server base allow 150+ ping players? cause im in Brazil... and it could be a problem for me
  3. Ingame Name: Balaclava Age: 22 Timezone: GMT - 03:00 Do you have TeamSpeak: Yep Do you have a Microphone: Yep How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 months
  4. Balaclava

    Me and Wife cant join same server...

    are you guys sharing the same HDD? you must install her game in another HDD... my 2 cents...
  5. Balaclava

    Ping Issues, connection problems new patch

    i have the same problem... not able to connect to the same server i was before without getting kicked by "ping too high"... and all servers now with the latest patch have insanely high pings... wich makes gaming dayz impossible right now...