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Everything posted by FutboleroR10

  1. FutboleroR10

    To all aussie players

    How about non-aussies?
  2. FutboleroR10

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So it was my 2nd day playing Dayz and all I just kept spawning on the shore and heading to Cherno or Elktro and I was getting killed all the time by bandits or zombies until I got tired of that and the next time I spawned in I ran to a nearest town, Got a Makarov some food and drink and then I headed to NWAF. I only made one stop at one town to get food because it was getting dark. I was approaching the airfield and I knew it was very hostile territory because of videos I've seen before, This was my first time at the airfield so I took my time to actually crawl anywhere close to the hangars and by that time the sun was no longer visible but there was stil la lil bit of light. I was coming in from the opposite side of where the control tower is. It's a wide open space. I was prone and then i saw a dead guy with a ghillie suit. I was so excited because of the ghillie suit. Still prone, I approached the body and turns out he was loaded with everything. NVG, rangefinder, high powered sniper, an assault rifle and plenty of ammo for both guns. Then it got creepy. I took all the items and then the ghillie suit last and it glitched me into the ground so I wa swimming on the gorund(I've heard of this glitch) but then it quickly put me back to normal. I started crawling away from the body and then I heard footsteps behind me and I thought it was a trap and I was about to die. So I turn around hoping to shoot whoever was going to kill me and there was nobody there. Remember this was in an open field so there was no way someone could run and hide. And then I noticed the body was gone too. I got scared but I just thought it was buggy sounds so I kept crawling away. And then I heard the footsteps again but this time they were closer. I quickly looked all over again and there was nobody there so I just stopped moving not knowing what to do. And then in the chat someone with a numbers only name like "67325" said: "Hello Mr. Sanchez" (the username I had). I was so scared I decided to get up and run away withou even looking back into the forest. After a few minutes of non stop running I went prone and looked back where I was running to make sure noone followed me. I was under a tree for a few minutes and then I heard it again.............. footsteps behind me. i didnt even turn around this time. I just quit the game and didnt play til the next day.
  3. FutboleroR10

    Survivor Base (In Development)

    Age - 20 How long have you been playing? - 1 month What is your reaction when you see other survivors, not knowing if they are friendly or bandits? - I hope they dont shoot. 90% of the time I dont shoot first so I die a lot. But I can change my tactics. What is your first instinct when you see another survivor? type in "friendly, dont shoot(if they have a gun)" Situation 1: You and a fellow survivor you have just met are searching a barn, you find the only can of food in the building and your fellow survivor is down the red on on his meter. You are at orange and the next local town is a few km's away. What do you do? - Give him the beans! Im sure there wil be food in the next town. Situation 2: You are down to two clips of your 1911, your fellow survivor has a revolver and is currently out of ammo. Knowing you can convert the ammo of your 1911 to a revolver .45 clip, do you give that survivor your last mag or do you keep it for yourself? Give him some the ammo. I try not to rely on my gun when dealing with zombies unless I am trapped. Ive been playing alone all this time and I have a lot of fun whenever I encounter somebody but I have died alot because of my friendliness. Since there really arnt any goals I set a goal myself to build a camp with people so Im luck that you have started one.
  4. FutboleroR10

    Fly CSS: Chernarus Shuttle Service

    Someone's going to call you out and have their sniper ready to take you out. At least that's what I would do if I wanted your heli.
  5. FutboleroR10

    Take out .50 cals

    I guess it's not your ideal game. Too bad.
  6. FutboleroR10

    Take out .50 cals

    He should play it lie the thinks it should be played and quit crying about it.
  7. FutboleroR10

    Take out .50 cals

    If you're such a hardcore "zombie fan" then why do you do shit that wouldn't be realistic in a zombie apocalypse? You're such a hypocrite. Stop going from town to town looking for weapons. If you encounter a weapon just leave it there. And since when did anyone say this is modeled after a film or book?
  8. FutboleroR10

    Take out .50 cals

    Get rid of the rifles and pistols too while you're at it. Or just put them in 1/50 buildings you search. You're crying about it but yet you have it in your inventory.
  9. FutboleroR10

    Never had such a rush

    Encounters like those are what keep me playing DayZ
  10. FutboleroR10

    Playing Reasonably?

    Actually I do tell her that Im playing video games so that's why I wont hang out with her that day lol. But she gets enough time with me. I keep her happy.
  11. FutboleroR10

    Playing Reasonably?

    At least 4 hrs a day on average. Sometimes I go days without playing and sometimes I go a few days where I only Play, Eat and Sleep. I dont work I have a girlfriend(does not live with me) No freinds I do skip days to hangout with my girlfriend because I'd ather play video games. I've played video games all my life and I dont plan on stopping so noone gets between me and my personal time.
  12. FutboleroR10

    Can't join any servers

    I have the same problem when I try to join a DayZ server after launching the game through Steam. When I launch it though Six Launcher I get the "CA_Dubbing_Countaerattack" problem. I have no other games I want to play so it is becoming very frustrating.
  13. FutboleroR10

    Am I up to date?

    When I go to start up a server via the Six Launcher I get the error message "CA_Embedding_Counterattack" every single time. I was playing just fine last night but I dont know why all of a sudden it did this. So when I get to the Main menu at the bottom right it says "Version: 1.62.95417" and under that "DayZ:" When I started typing this I thought the dayz was outdated but I noticed I was wrong. Does anyone know the solution to this "Ca Embedding Counterattack" crysis? Thanks for your help.
  14. So Ive only been playing DayZ a few days and Im getting the hang of it but I think it would be more fun and easier if I played with some people. Add me on Skype or Steam: FutboleroR10 Im 20 yrs. old if that matters.
  15. How do you look for a server on six launcher?
  16. Ok so I found these guys to join a game with but they seemes to caught up with themselves to help me out on how to find the server they were in. They just told me to go to the Six Launcher and search for the server name they gave me but there is no damn filter(nowhere to type) on Six Launcher. Any helo would be appreciated.
  17. FutboleroR10

    Best way to regain blood?

    I think canned food gives you 200
  18. FutboleroR10 on Skype and Steam, add me
  19. I met a dude and we were looking through building and in one 2 story building I glitched through the wall and fell to break my leg. The guy volunteered to go to the nearest hospital and come back for me. I knew I wasnt gonna make it or he wasnt so I just gave him the only good item I had, my makarov and when he left I became zombie food.
  20. FutboleroR10

    Cant join servers

    So Im trying to figure out how to play with a window version on. The non-full screen. When I go to steam and start up Arma and look for a DayZ server, they all say that they require version 1.62.9538 or "You cannot play this mission, it is dependant on downloadable content that has been deleted.chernarus,dayz_code, dayz-weapons, dayz_equip, dayz_vehicles" I can find a good server if I use the Six Launcher but I want to run the game on the window version, not full screen. Im new to ArmA and any type of computer gaming so I dont know much, thanks.