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About rykzon

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  1. rykzon

    North dead or just my server?

    Yep thats what i experienced a few weeks ago too. I always said to my friends new to the game: No matter how many players are on your server, you can be sure atleast 2 are at the airfield.
  2. rykzon

    North dead or just my server?

    Well you might think im lucky but its boring as fawk if you are more into a bandit playstyle ;). I could be running around elektro/cherno but im not very satisfied with killing ungeared players/noobs. I wanna wipe well geared squads :). Edit: Yeah im going to try another server then... I was sitting in both Stary and Airfield for like 45minutes and nothing.
  3. So i've been running around in the north (Stary/Vybor/NWAF) for the past 3 days and never saw a single player. The Server was a 30+ player Server with daytime, is this server just filled with "Lee-Enfield-is best-weapon-in game-noobs" or is the north actually dead? Might need a new server if not..
  4. its already gone, we got it. It was on top of the doorway at rog, some smart ass parked it there.
  5. Hey guys, im looking for a nice group with a helicopter to give me a ride. On our server the heli is parked in a position where it can't be reached, but from the air. So im looking for you to take me there so i can switch server and win! I'll be unarmed and alone, you decide time and place. I can also trade you weapons and tools if you want.
  6. So here is a little anecdote from our server: We were playing in our group as suddenly the whole server dies, earlier that day we met a guy and tried to shoot him with 4 of us at point blank range, nope god mode and he started teleporting around killing people. So as everyone dies instantly we restart the server immediately ( OH NOE ADMIN ABUSE ). As the server starts again the lobby goes crazy about how awesome our admin is for restarting so fast to rollback all the deaths. tldr the rules suck, every normal player would love banned/kicked hackers.
  7. rykzon

    Heli WHERE?

    Yeah we will search again, do we know how long it takes to respawn after it dies?
  8. rykzon

    Heli WHERE?

    yep we did, believe me, its not in the north. We went all the way from west to east with like 5 people with 300m distance from each other.
  9. rykzon

    Heli WHERE?

    where is DA CHOPPA
  10. rykzon

    Game changer...more realism.

    FTFY I unintentionally duped items so fucking often so far. But ofcourse there are exploiters too. Just wait for dupe fix and database wipe.
  11. rykzon

    Heli WHERE?

    So on patch day we got a heli on our server (no Admin abuse, just hoarded parts and repaired it asap). All fine we enjoyed it and hid it in the woods. Next day it was gone, all fine, we got robbed. So we were a little mad because we only had one evening with it but we got over it and expected to get it back soon (since we are a fairly big group). The problem is we never saw it again, we even searched the whole fuckin northern map for it. How long does it take to respawn after it was destroyed? Or are there really some assholes that hide it so no one else can get it (out of bounds possible?) We won't mind if another group uses it, because we would shoot them anyways, but this is just lame. Any ideas?
  12. there is not hotfix, its in the latest patch If its running, it has choppers after restart.
  13. Yep because it would be so hard to get the second one if you alreade have one. Better have one clan with 2 choppers.
  14. rykzon

    Bugged Ghillie Suits Still

    yep, thats why you don't prone in open field. Prone next to a tree => success