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Posts posted by Raaad

  1. I def think they should run in buildings and also therr should be different types with varying levels of detection sensitivity. As it stands now this games difficulty in regards to the pve aspect is a downward slope. The hardest part is at the very start and gets immensely easier as you gear up which is bad for newbies and vets alike. It is kinda dumb that you deal with the same AI to get top tier weapons at a crash site that you do to get your first can of beans.

  2. Kinda defeats the idea of it being a survival game when nothing is a threat (zombies can't see you, no other survivors)

    It's Alpha right? I'd rather test more of the game than the inconstant zombie aggro while getting starter items. Besides you yourself admit you exploit zombies having to walk while indoors

  3. Im fairly new and This is what I've been doing to get starter gear since the zombie aggro got thrown out of whack recently

    1. Find low pop server (3-6 people)

    2. Make sure it's night time

    3. Get your easy loot on since zombies can't see flashlights right now

    4. ????

    5. Profit!

    6. Find a daytime server with what ever pop level you want to play with and carry on

  4. Ya shit happens like that, today I logged in a fresh spawn (havent even moved yet) and walked to the other room to get my iPad to figured out where I was on the map and by the time I got back I had three zombies raping me. Oh well learned my lesson and will always go prone instantly upon spawning

  5. Zombies in the middle of the day act like they should. Night time on the other hand is awesome for avoiding zombies, as they act like a normal human would in pitch black...they dont see shit.


    Wow you werent kidding! Zombies dont see flashlights at all! You can walk right through towns without a single worry, I am a little amazed at how easy mode this game must be for those with NVGs. Just chalk it up to still in Alpha I guess lol zombies can see you a couple hundred meters away on top of a building but not 10 feet away in the pitch black using a flashlight. Ill just deal with playing at night until the next change

  6. The fanboy nuthugging on this forum is at a level I may have never seen before lol Lets hope the people investing money on the economic success of this game wont listen to any of you in regards to a new players first experience. I kind of like the harsh start and steep learning curve but I know its not for the majority of gamers, hell I couldnt even get any of my friends to stick with EVE and I have been trying to get them to since 2005!

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  7. I was just on top of some large structure at the South end of Komarovo after spawning a new guy and had a wtf moment.... I had no aggro climbing around all the little catwalks all the way to the top, no sounds of zombies, or sights of zombies going in or during my ascent. Once I got on top of the structure, stepped outside and looked around I though hmm thats odd those zombies are running this way from so far away. Mind you I had no guns to fire had just spawned and the only thing I had found up to this point were a couple of magazines and a crowbar. The first two zombies I dispatched just fine and had to use my only bandage but then they just kept coming. After I had tried to fight my way down the stairs through 5 or 6 more zombies I got to the exit and fell unconscious and died. Really? Are zombies turned up now or something? I can understand having to be sneaky but they started running at me the instant I stepped outside a door 4 or 5 stories up that is a bit ridiculous.

  8. I don't think new players would have a negative experience, I just started a couple days ago and am digging it. The only thing that frustrated me was finally getting a lot of stuff map, compass, watch, camo, assault rifle, pistol, larger pack, lots of food and soda etc etc and dieing because I stepped off the third step of some stairs :/ then the next time I spawned I literally went to every item spawn I could find and didn't find one drink... Lots of food but not one drink and died of thirst. Just bad luck I guess haha but it pissed me off enough I need a break for a day or two. Oh and the time I finally found a bike and almost jizzed on myself until 5 mins later the game crashed and when I logged back in it was gone.
