Earlier this evening my team and myself noticed that there were items in our tents that were not only not there when we left, but not native to DayZ. After confirming that one of our own hadn't been playing any funny business we decided that we needed to move camps. During my teammate (Frijoles) and my ([NToD] puerco) trek up to our camp our other teammate ([NToD] Reaper) had seen someone trying to loot one of our tents, no big deal as thats life, he then shot said person (Sterling) in the face only to have him ALT-F4. At this point we decided to high tail it up to our camp, use any vehicles that we had at our disposal (2 tractors, 1 atv, and 1 old hatchback) to transport our goods to another location. Once we had loaded everything up we made a plan to move our gear over to 055,009 as a staging point so we wouldn't be surprised on our exodus. The second that I got our ATV to 055,009 a motorcycle spawned in right behind my position with two players on it. The passenger got off the bike, I shot him in the vicinity of 10-12 times with an L85 center mass and he then proceeds to shoot me in the head with an Enfield. At around 11:10 PST, I die. As soon as I die and I report it via skype one of my teammates ([NToD] reaper) hops off his tractor, kneels to scope the situation and then is shot in the head by someone who teleported behind him 1:10 CMT. Last but not least my last teammate (Frijoles) was killed by someone who teleported in and instantly was able to lock on to his location and shoot him 4:10 +10UTC. Our main concern is to get rid of hacking. Is there any way to punish the folks that perpetrated this action? Thanks much.