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Everything posted by Taylor_Hizzle

  1. Taylor_Hizzle

    Looking for UK groups to suvive with.

    Yea you should join us on ESQD itll be a laugh & with the team we have we could control the vehicle pop n cruise around in a helo. Sounds like bliss
  2. Taylor_Hizzle

    LFClan - I have server

    Hey im in a clan wich just lost a few members due to camp/vehicle frustrations. I know this thread is in bandit campfiire & we arent neccessarily a bandit crew but we aint scared of a fight :P Pm me if your interested or just want more info
  3. Taylor_Hizzle

    uk players wanted!

    me & bradley mayhem will be back on tomorrow add us on steam if you wanna group up
  4. Taylor_Hizzle

    uk players wanted!

    how many people we got that are on then?
  5. Taylor_Hizzle

    uk players wanted!

    hey ill be on tonight and probably tomorrow steam: Taylor Hizzle i can use any kind of group chat but do you have to pay for skype to chat in a group? i dont have premium or anythin