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About Docc2k

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Recently, I've been running around the north and I keep finding car after car, fully repaired, in their spawn, with gear in the back. I recently hopped in a white off-road and found two satchel charges in the back and two silence m4's ccos. Guess my question is, Why are these cars in their spawn fully repaired with rare gear in the back? Does the loot spawn randomly in them or is this a desync or something im unaware of..
  2. All I have to say is damn, Skyter is mad. I dont like to die either but I dont come to the forums and QQ a bitch storm. I got killed yesterday with a full kit. Silenced M4, nvg, as550, ghillie, gps. I didnt even bat and eye. This is an alpha of a mod, and you cant bitch and make long posts all you want but it wont change shit. If you're this mad Id say dont even play. Every death is a new opportunity. PvP is here to stay. Man up or leave. You died because you were. A) Not stealthy enough or B Wrong place at the wrong time C) Suck at the game or D) All of the above. Seriously. I DIED IM GONNA COME TO THE FORUMS AND QQ ABOUT PVP BECAUSE I DONT LIKE IT. You're like a kid whose just dropped his icecream, whining screaming crying for it back. That shit you just lost were ITEMS. Which dont effect how fun or unfun the game is in ANY way. I have less fun when I have a full kit and more fun when I have nothing because it means I can be reckless and kill people like you. Thats my playstyle, are you upset?
  3. Saying 3rd person is for scrubs is completely faulty logic. The difference between the two is simple. First person encourages camping and slow movement ( not in a bad way ). Because of limited sight. Third person as a game play element favors a more aggressive, faster paced game. Because you will generally always see the other person and it comes down to execution. Also, camping is not as viable as when 3rd person is in play because of looking around corners ect. Im not saying camping is impossible or not a good tactic while in 3rd person. It just isn't as safe as it would be in 1st. TL;DR 3rd person = aggression and speed 1st person = slow methodical movements, checking corners ect. Many people are way too thick to realize this, and resort to calling others ''cod kiddies'' or ''console fags''. It comes down to your play style. So really stop with this bullshit and play how you want to play and let others do the same. I prefer 3rd person and I've never owned a console and grew up on cs 1.6. Also have never touched cod. Guess im breaking the mold huh?
  4. Hacking is getting incredibly out of hand it seems like. Random npcs, people with 30 satchel charges, getting tele'd into the air ect ect. Is there any way to stop this or at least... are the devs aware of how bad its getting, my last 3/5 deaths have been from hacking. I dont understand how scum of the earth get any pleasure out of this to be honest.