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About robaroo

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Aussie in Denmark
  1. robaroo

    Cant connect to server error 0x00010001

    Have the same issue...been trying everything
  2. robaroo

    Graphics setup advice pls...

    Hey Mate Thanx for your great reply...Set it up as you mention and have to admit it feels alot better :) Might even start enjoying it now hehe
  3. https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/790x264q90/706/gi6h.png Having issues getting the graphics setup to that im comfortable with. For the record i play alot of Arma 3 and with everything on high it seems to run very smooth. Im trying to get a similar setup in Dayz but can never get it to feel right. Arma 3 setup: https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/905x522q90/42/yjlx.png https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/904x524q90/802/7env.png https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/904x522q90/163/7vj2.png Can anyone please give me suggestion on how to setup dayz graphics to be as similar as possible as this Arma 3 setup pls?? Some of the graphics option in Arma 3 dont seem to appear in Dayz..
  4. robaroo

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    http://www.twitch.tv/robaroo Streaming daily...Breaking Point and Panthera Aftermath
  5. robaroo

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Looks for more viewers pls to get me up there with the others :)
  6. robaroo

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Gday folks Robaroo here.. letting those of you interested know i have started streaming my Dayz ventures with the H3RO crew... Im a 39yr old Aussie living in Denmark playing daily. Right now im focused on playing "Breaking Point" and "Panthera Aftermath". Im a veteran of far too many games..FPS, MMO's etc etc The H3RO crew consist of elder gamers from scotland, england and denmark who play daily for the laugh. Come join me pls and help me decide my daily events or just sit back and enjoy youself. http://www.twitch.tv/robaroo "Australian Humour. It’s different and baked by a Bigger Sun. " Please start following today...
  7. Having the same problem the last few days. When i start the computer now i have to validate the Arma 2 and Arma 2 AO files in steam, the start each one individually every time to be able to play. There always seems to be 1 or 2 files missing but cant seem to work out what it is :(
  8. robaroo

    How to catch that hacker??

    Read the post..some interesting info there...cheers
  9. Since our server got in the top 100 servers in gametracker were having some serious problems with hackers. I would do anything..pay "almost" anything for the right tools to fight back. Server we have is Oring. We have a great community and a very busy server. What tools are available?? I need to know whos killin who Whos spawning parachuting cows Who setting weather, restarting server etc etc, Looked into silentwarriors tools but it doesnt support Oring.. Any options pls??? Seriously this is ruining our server :(
  10. robaroo

    Day Z Invasion 1944

    Was interested in this mod...until i saw destroyed Humvees around the place..Humvee's in 1944??? Come on..
  11. H3RO are currently lookin for active "serious" players and admins for our servers. Dayz Isla Duala Dayz Namalsk Dayz Panthera Dayz Taviana Keep an eye out at www.h3ro.co.uk for more info and feel free to get in contact for more infos Cheers
  12. Lookin for a few recruits to join us for some survival adventure. All of us are over 35 (aussie, english, scottish) and have a great (sometimes weird) sense of humor. We use teamspeak and play more than our wives appreciate. We find vechicles (actually using them) and search the lands for loot, vechicles and victims. We would like a few more to join us. Give me a buzz for more info. Prefer people that can actually understand these scottish #"#""#!#"s, so i dont have to translate every 2nd sentence :) Dayz Isla Duala Dayz Namalsk Dayz Panthera Dayz Taviana Keep an eye out at www.h3ro.co.uk for more info and feel free to get in contact for more info