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About angrybold

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    On the Coast
  1. happened 29.08.12 at approx 0:15 GMT a friend of mine and me were flying our legit built helicopter around the map, minding our bussiness, when all the sudden two ppl opened fire on us near kamorovo thinking that those were only KOS kiddies, we just headed another direction, flew about 2 km just to find ourselves under fire again since we were not sure that the first fire was not from a single person, we hopes for a bad coincidence and just kept flying another direction. flew about 7 more km under constant fire. since i thought that we could maybe be able to get out of their range, we flew towards the sea, where they finally managed to take out our engine. chopper crashed, we died. at that time there where only 4 people on the server: my friend nureinbusch and me( lennard) as well as two guys by the name lineraser-RUS and alkash-RUS, both with the clantag [zombles] or something like that, they diconnected quickly after we had crashed so i was not able to not etheir names in time and a screenshot for some reason only took my desktop, so no more evidence then my word additional information for the search: the hackers were awfull shots and took a friggin long time to hit us at least once also it is suspected, that the hackers took a whole lot too much loving bei their fathers. yep, im mad...been killed by hackers often, but killin our helicopter now really does it for me hope there will be some reaction to the typing i just did oO cheers and thx in advance angrybold edit: see, kids...thsi happens when someones butthurt...no evidence at all...i will try to get hands on the serverlogs tomorrow...
  2. THIS devs plsss at least confirm that you are aware of the bugs that are posted here...community is on its own almost every time but hey i suspect they need to work on the standalone...fuck the mod, fuck the playerbase, theres money on the line
  3. angrybold

    battle loggers, hoppers, campers, carstashing

    i am glad, that i finally found the instance to judge opinions right or wrong... you must explain to me where you found the knowledge and wisdom to do so but after all i guess this package of old and new ideas was not as magnificient as i expected it to be meh...ima just stop playing for now...games aent supposed to make you cheers
  4. angrybold

    battle loggers, hoppers, campers, carstashing

    server hoppers...nowadays we hardly experience servers that just fuck u over if u just stick to a decent ping range....of course u would have to be ingame for the change to be recorded...this way u still would have possibility to cancel if loading takes too long etc. worst case:implement the chance to go back to your old server, not saving actions on the new server if u decide to battle loggers...if u get caught in the open, i realy think, even tho its gay to do KOS stuff, the sniper should have a chance to get you...run into cover and log...sniper more then 100-300 meters away--->sniper wont even notice u logged/ sniper realy wants you--->sniper needs to expose himself also: see campers campers...the right people havin aws...see i hardly see any bold cod kiddies...the problem is: newbies do not own a aws... in addition, the aws is OP and realy not the answer imo...way too easy when u got it/puts u in a far too good position about someone else who deosnt have it--->definition of unbalanced
  5. angrybold

    battle loggers, hoppers, campers, carstashing

    as of now, since i made my post and expressed my thoughts, i shall not be bound to good behavior, nor shall the op be held responsible for my talk u go back play cod, kiddo LOL UBERCOOL EXPLOSIONS WOAAAH MUST BE REALITY also: specifie "your ideas suck" or else: your face suck lol
  6. good evening fellas sooo...since i cannot find any posts that realy contains my toughts ill be rude and post another one with a whole lot of flameqqqqqwtf...etc. as i understand it, this game is based on arma. The statement in this is, that it i9s supposed to be realistic. however, u just cant guarantee realism with a hive system dont get me wrong i dont intend to critisize the hive idea...i really like it, especially the mobility it guarantees. my concerns are about the side effects...and yes, there have been at least one brazillion posts about it. server hoppers now this realy is getting out of hands...want a cool truck? go to the spawn and log till u find it on any server..taddaaaa want some cool gear? do as listed above...taddaaaaaa wanna sneak around your enemys or just fix yourself, because you got shot and managed to log in time? serverhopping is the key! heres the solution: one server change every 4 hours or so, try to abuse that changing earlier will just result in the player constantly getting kicked from the new server. battleloggers my toughts: it is never safe to rest within a zombie apocalpyse...however, its not an option to keep players loaded all the time...that too, would be bullshit. so ill just make this short: i really like the idea of keeping the player in the game for a certain time(30 secs to 2 mins) after logging, making him vulnurable for zeds and players n shit. furthermore there should be some kind of announcement when a player decides to log out. in my opinion something like a ingame shoutout("lets get out of here") when logging, possibly in addition a log message within 100 to 300 meters around the player. to avoid abuse there would of course be the need to have a "connected" message within the same range as well. so this would really guarantee players to check thrice if they are in a safe distance to any kind of danger, making batllelogging virtually impossible(except for escapes from snipers...but w/e...they are snipers, these guys have their advantages as well). campers aside from the aws, which is ridicolusly OP and needs to be expelled from the game, the possibility of just sitting in a certain position and camping is (imo) too easy right now...since its is only a game of our present technological resources, it is insanely difficult to spot a sniper that pinned u down on a certain range. acoustics will only get u so far and with the resolution on which we are playing, finding an enemy with a ghillie suit under a bush is kinda impossible. and of course that is what it should be like...but lets at least make the sniper work for this advantage. i was thinking of maybe spawning random zombies within a hundred meter range around the sniper and then maybe slowly moving towards him... the sniper would in that case need a partner to distract/kill these zombies....maybe even outside of the viewing range of the intended vitims. im sure this idea might be hated on by you dear fellas, farming fresh starters all day erryday, chillin outside of cherno but hey....grow up ;-) carstashing lol lets our own server and then proceed to stash every single car in a huge stash, making it impossible for other players to ever have a vehicle...drive the cars? naaay thats realy lame...it might get damaged my thoughts where that we should possibly just put a mark for every vehicle on the map, that has not been driven for more then 48 hours visble for players within a 2km radius possibly to keep the search going...plus: every player can only claim one vehicle this way. and voila: u will have acces to vehicles which are just rotting away in the forest. it might, however be neccessary to at least have some parts fall apart when not used for said time...else, getting started would be too easy additionaly, the 7 days respawn time on destructed vehicles is too much...far too much...noone will ever risk a car like this... how about one day max? last thought: i realy think cars should not blow up when struck by an as50 or m107...its okay if the engine breaks and u just cant drive on, etc. but blowing up just like that will allways scare people to drive their vehicles. expect for explosives of course...but hey...whoever carries a rocketlauncher with him all the time deserves that fun and whoever manages to get a grenade close enough to a car does as well( possible nerf for m203 needed). in the other cases, the specific components would just be damaged...that way takin over a car from another group would even become more likely. TL;DR: meh..u better gettodahchoppaah and get outa here so now that was not intended to be as detailed but hey...hope it really might put you guys up to something and might even have effects in the game...one must allways have dreams. cheers
  7. okay seriously right now dayz is pissing me off its cool that it is bugged and shit...thats what i expect from an alpha what realy annoys me is the fact that u cant even get intel on the bugs, not to imagine any fixes devs are on vacation, it appears furthermore u just cant start a bugreport because the mods are just not processing it fuck this anyways...i can confirm that helicopters remain broken....it is not possible to save those...we fixed them twice on our server saved a whole lot of times, then restarted...gone...aparently respawening at original location...which might be random, meaning they respawn randomly on the map in general any input on that by the community? cheers
  8. hey people i just wanted to verify what i and my fellow survivors have been experiencing. well now it is clear that tents are bugged and will swallow everything u put into em. my question is how is this about vehicles? saving 3 mins before server restart apparently does not prevent items from deisappearing on restart furthermore we cant tell if anything new is stored at all since patch since the items tend to glitch back to the original vehicle when we shift em between multiple cars. didnt fing a topic bout this...so what is going on? we are all kinda loaded and would love to stash some stuff without having it disappear on server restart or even sooner. Date/Time: sat 28.07.12 What happened: items disappearing in items, shifting back to original location over restart Where you were: doesnt appear to be location specified What you were doing: saving items, waiting 3 mins, restarting server *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: de 633 *Your system specs: not system related *Timeline of events before/after error: saving, restarting, noticing AWESOME weapons missing...meh thx for responses in advance