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About Kebabmiddag

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  1. Kebabmiddag

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    me and a friend was scavenging in cherno. then suddenly a random guy started talking on his mic. asking if there were anyone in the church. we said yes and aimed on the door waiting cuz we knew if he would start shooting one of us would have got him and still keep the gear. luckily he was friendly and the 3 of us scavenged more of cherno. when we came to the bars around there i was killed by a sniper. i was lucky and spaned close to cherno again and got back ang got my gear. but right after i collected my gear the guy who shot me, attacked us again and he killed this random guy who followed us. he logged of in rage and we looted him. in his inventory he had Mountain Dew. i had never seen or heard about it so i took it and did not drink it. Short after like 10-15 mins or so this guy came again (note: we killed him the second time he showed up) and killed my friend. i was able to get him with a grenade as he was camping outside the bar i was in. i was very happy with that kill. but when i tried to loot the guy he kinda teleported towards me and started attacking while i looted him. he missed at me and i ran inside. he followed and was hiding. stupid as i was i ran to the far end of the buildning and waited. he also waited so i started sneeking but then we met eachother and killed eachother. all of this happened right after the guy with the mountain dew showed up. damn taht dew
  2. So you gave up cus of the glitching the game have in alpha test.. Everyone usually have a sucky start cus you dont know anything about it. you run around try to hide and get killed. or you get lucky find a wep and start scavenge and kill zombies. Its a survival game. my start was very similar to yours. i got killed by teleporting zombies. killing me trough the wall and etc. also with Players killing me even if i have no gear at all, but it made me realise that i really need to be more carefull. So i didnt give up. i played more casually. low populated servers to "know the game". started learning the map in my head and were the good items are. so after a while with learning everything started to be more easy and such. Even with all these positive and negative situations i did not cheat myself to vitctory. i played and learned. you would enjoy it more if you would stay away from the cheating... sure you might be a good guy ingame etc. but.. you gave up...
  3. Kebabmiddag

    helicopter crash site

    i actually found 9 heli crash sites with my team yesterday. 3 of them was really bad. tho i did kill alot of zimboes, but none of them dropped anything else than the usual shit...
  4. Kebabmiddag

    helicopter crash site

    got the M107 on my secon HCS.....but when i changed from sniper to more closer combat range i accidentaly pressed my sniper first to a full backpack.....svoosj gone...
  5. Kebabmiddag

    helicopter crash site

    well my first was also a failure. cleared it for zombies. went looting and while i was looting and dropping my older weapon a zombie came and hitted me once. i was low on blood and fell to the ground and more came and ate me. Lost FN FAL, Bizon and M14..
  6. killed a guy in camo suit who attacked my friend. after he fell down he tried to get up but shot him the second time. and when i was on my way to the body he was gone. is that a hack or a bug`?
  7. Kebabmiddag

    No Dr. Pepper?

    dont really need more types of drinks in the game, tho its always cool to have some more to choose from :)
  8. Kebabmiddag

    M107 with Backpack?

    Bazooka is the only wep that replace your backpack. Should be atleast.
  9. Kebabmiddag

    M107 with Backpack?

    im wearing the M107 with and Alice pack. had a AKM at the same time and switched when needed
  10. Kebabmiddag

    Bandit Killing

    one thing that is abit strange is, if a guy who just started attacks you, and you are able to kill him you get the -humanity points
  11. Kebabmiddag


    ah allright. becuase it was so strange since it was almost at the same time as i counted myself dead of starvation, but then i saw everyone else on the server died so i was just like, waddafakk just happnd
  12. Kebabmiddag


    When i played now a few hours ago i ran straight to the forest. got attacked buy some guy but was able to shoot him tho my blood was on 3,5k i survived but was out of food. and so my food started blinking. found a barn and started to search in it, but suddenly a text appeared: "Will you know me if i saw you from heaven" and i started levitating to the air trough the roof. after a little while i was dead. but when i died all the other players on the server died aswell. a huge spam of "playername" was killed. what realy happends when you are out of food and such? and wth is that levitating???
  13. Kebabmiddag

    Artifact problems.

    same problems at airports and in cherno
  14. Kebabmiddag

    Is this suppose to happen?

    btw the name of the hacker i met was called MiniDude. dont recall the server but it was a norwegian server.
  15. Kebabmiddag

    Is this suppose to happen?

    had the same problem. tho this was in Cherno. he attacked me and my friend. i died and my friend killed him. i spawned on the beach close to cherno (luckily) so i got my gear back. but when we were searching for more gear he appeared again with the same wep and gear. he killed my friend and i got my revenge on him. but then again he came after 2 mins with the same wep and gear. and it seemed he had infinite ammo..