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Everything posted by shadycthulu

  1. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD

    I have ghillies, L85's, nvg, rangefinders, as50, barret, m4a1 gl, m4a1 sd, m249 saw. I'll trade anything for 1 svd.
  2. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD

    I need a SVD Camo. I can trade anything for it, including a m107, m4a1 sd, m4a1 holo, as50, ghillie suits, nvg, rangefinders, etc. Msg me your offers.
  3. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD

    i'll trade. im at the gas station left on elektro. your server of choice
  4. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD

    Send me your offers. I have pretty much everything.
  5. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD

    Plain and simple. I need a SVD camo. i have literally everything else. send me your offers. no groups. i choose server and location.
  6. I have everything to trade for these parts. Barrets, As50's, ghillies, nvg, rangefinders, l85, m4a1 gl. and more. send me your offers.
  7. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD

    skype. no funny business. us 399
  8. i tried there. i'm not having any luck. i'd much rather take the lazy way
  9. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD

    yes i do.
  10. I'm willing to trade any of my gear for these. i have a gps, as50, l85a2, fn fal NV, m107, m4a1 gl, m4a1 sd, ghillie suit, and other smaller things. msg me if interested.
  11. Hey i got one or two ghillie suits, a BAF AS50/M107, GPS, M249 SAW, M4A1 CCO SD, M4A1 HOLO GL, and many other minor guns. However, I have never come across a pair of NVG or SVD Camo. I will trade anything for it. Also rangefinders would be nice if you have any. Pleaseeee dayz community. I'll trade if anybody and I can come to trading terms.
  12. shadycthulu

    Trading for SVD Camo and NVG

    wow. a lot of replies in minutes. first off. the m4a1 holo gl is a gun. it might just be called m4a1 gl, but no worries its legit i've found several on multiple occasions in barracks. I'll trade the as50 for nvg and rangefinders maruki
  13. As listed above im trading for these. I currently have a gps, as50, m249 saw, mk48 mod 0, m107, and l85a2 aws. I need a ghillie suit more than anything. Just post if you want to trade. Any trades are on my terms, and any hostility would result in a .50 cal bmg through your skull.
  14. I have a gps, as50, l85a2 aws, and mk.48 mod 0 to trade. I recently found a ghillie suit so i neeeeed a svd to complete my character, and the nvg's to kill chickens and rabbits...at night. that is all
  15. shadycthulu

    Trading for Ghillie

    Hey my in game name is shadycthulu. I can never find a ghillie suit so I'm willing to trade any of my high level items for one. I have a gps, l85, mk48 mod 0, as50, (maybe m107), (maybe m249 saw). If you have it please post or pm me. If you have NVG i can better the trade.
  16. shadycthulu

    Trading for Ghillie

    i say maybe because I found a hefty loot chopper but can only hold a max of 3 guns. the chopper is still there and my noob friends are fighting their way to come get them cause their just sitting on the ground right now. by now if i dont get a tent i dont see myself getting a saw. btw the fal apv or whatever is a piece of shit gun. I've had 2 and they are useless. If NVG's aren't THAT rare I'd trade one gun or something like a gps, but for the ghillie id trade my as50 or l85, unless you want the mk48.