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Ira Von Doom

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Everything posted by Ira Von Doom

  1. Ira Von Doom

    Full screen NVGS.

    i say it is perfect haveing all the advantage leaving none to everyone else hell yea were do i get ssomething like that
  2. Ira Von Doom

    What has happened to this community?

    sad that they shoot you so close so you know they killed you me i would kill you wwith my M107 so you dont have to know who killed you. im just nice like that
  3. Ira Von Doom

    Tent Ate My Stuff

    tents are eatting things oh my god soon they will rise up and eat people we are all doomed
  4. Ira Von Doom

    Best Secondary Weapon?

    the best one is the flashlight it incinerates all who oppose you
  5. Ira Von Doom

    Trading for Ghillie or SVD Camo or NVG

    i have 10 tin cans i out do his bid also i give you the holy grail of all cokes MNT DEW what do you say to that
  6. Ira Von Doom

    Trading 10 tin cans for...

    yes sir i am high on the truth that tin cans are more powerful than a M107 and can save my life and destroy all that appose me
  7. Ira Von Doom

    Trading 10 tin cans for...

    tin cans have thee highest value of all time hell i would give up my M249 SAW and ammo for 10 tincans and i would be rich and powerful
  8. Ira Von Doom

    Trading MNT DEW for...

    it is done sir i will do this and i will be a god and so powerful not even rocket will be able to touch me
  9. Ira Von Doom

    Trading MNT DEW for...

    MNT DEW oh my god really.... i love that shit ill give you M249 SAW with 4 boxs of ammo and a ghillie suit also a coyote backpack. because one sip from that holy grail of all drinks will ensure me that i will be protected from a forms of bullets and glitches