I think it's actually a pretty good idea to compare the nickname to a face and to implement a permanent nickname. It's also great that you made a video and that you really have thought it through. But there is one main problem you need to consider: It's a game. In games and especially in roleplaying games like DayZ, you always can choose between a variety of paths you wanna follow and if you have died, you can be someone else - that's basically the difference between a game and real life (being someone else without personal consequences). As soon as there are permanent nicknames, you won't be able to restart and play another character - you have just one path left (exaggerated) and so a lot of the game is lost. In a game, I want to try out things - how is it to be a bandit, a survivor, a merchant, a mercenary, a medic, a bounty hunter, ... A possible solution for this would be, being able to create 3-5 different characters, each having a different permanent nickname (maybe for 3-6 month). This way you can have a bad character and a good one... But just having one single nickname is a bit too restricting in my opinion.