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Everything posted by ornatecocoapuff

  1. Today, I was killed by at least 3 12 year old CoD bitches(they berated me with insults such as "Fag" and Homo" through direct in their little pre-pubescent voices) and I thought back on past deaths from players, sure there had been annoying people who killed me unnecessarily, but this was different. It was obvious these little bastards had no idea how to play the game and shot everything that moved. Thankfully due to their emptying of AKM mags into my corpse they were swarmed by zombies and bitched and moaned over group channel. Anyone else have a CoD kiddie invasion?
  2. I just downloaded lingor island from dayz commander, and it keeps giving me the error message "You cannot play/edit this mission because it requires addons that were deleted" Help??
  3. ornatecocoapuff

    US114 Kansas, looking for survivors.

    Hey. I play as Benjamin on US114 Kansas, the server hasn't been updated for about a day, and me and another player really would like to get on again. Please update the server.