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About jimbo081

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  1. 1. Turn off Steam 2. Run "regedit" (win7: press Start, type "regedit" into search and press enter) 3. Go to: (for 64 bit windows) HKEY_LOCAL_MASHINE>SOFTWARE>Wow6432Node (for 32 bit windows) HKEY_LOCAL_MASHINE>SOFTWARE 4. Find and delete both "Bohemia Interactive" and "Bohemia Interactive Studio" 5. Run Steam 6. Run the game. Walla fixed it. Def try this, if youre having this issue. Registry changes saved my life!!!
  2. 1. Turn off Steam 2. Run "regedit" (win7: press Start, type "regedit" into search and press enter) 3. Go to: (for 64 bit windows) HKEY_LOCAL_MASHINE>SOFTWARE>Wow6432Node (for 32 bit windows) HKEY_LOCAL_MASHINE>SOFTWARE 4. Find and delete both "Bohemia Interactive" and "Bohemia Interactive Studio" 5. Run Steam 6. Run the game Walla fixed it. If anyone has this issue, def try this.
  3. "I have successfully played with a mate while on the same internet connection (ie. same WAN IP) without any problems or any modifications at all. Are you sure it isn't just a problem with one or a few servers?" I have at least 10 different servers. Maybe i will get lucky and try 1 that works one day. But i do know this is a major Arma 2 issue. That seriously needs to be fixed. I own 2 cd keys that i would like to use together one day on the same damn server. My buds would like to play with me.
  4. "You need a different port on the 2nd Pc! try add -port=2350 to the startup Option on the 2nd Pc." Okay i will give it a try. As for running OA and Arma 2 before playing, i have done that already.
  5. I know this has been discussed, but i own 2 different key codes for Arma 2 Combined ops and if i try to join the same server as my other pc, it kicks one of us. I wasn't sure if anyone ever found a solution for this. I tried using different launchers and it didn't fix anything.
  6. jimbo081

    Graphic bugs are to bad.

    And Cherno is another place i get these graphic bugs. I can't see a thing when i look sertian directions.
  7. jimbo081

    Graphic bugs are to bad.

    "I will give it a try.
  8. Stary Sobor is a prefect example. I cannot look at the millitary tents at without the screen bugging out. I know this is not the first thread about these issues, but my anger has been pushed.. I hope that future pathces will fix it. It would be nice to know that others are getting glitches in that same area.
  9. Worked perfect for me. Thanks a lot.