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About d00m

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    On the Coast
  1. When I have an AK and you have a hatchet, I have an unfair advantage. When someone else a mile away has an M107 and I have an AK, that someone else has an unfair advantage. Fortunately, you cannot ban for unfair advantages; you can ban for cheating. Rocket has set the bar very high for server admins and he requires solid evidence of cheating so that legitimate players are not banned.
  2. You are wrong; you are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats unless you have solid evidence. Your evidence of suspected behavior patterns of hackers is poor and will result in legitimate players being banned.
  3. I was banned from 303 Dallas after killing and looting a sniper on the lighthouse outside Electro. The server is banning anyone with certain items without proof the person is cheating and needs to be disconnected from the Hive until this practice changes. Additionally, the admin is not following the server hosting rules by reporting every ban to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/32-cheat-reporting/ The server admin is violating the following rules: "You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats . . . UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs." Players without cheats may loot bodies and obtain spawned items, sometimes unknowingly. "All kick or ban actions must be reported in the forums under section http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/32-cheat-reporting/"
  4. I've done a bit more testing and part of the problem is there is little use for crouch walk or crouch sprint anymore. When you're in a zombie's field of vision, there's only what seems like a few meters where you aren't detected crouched but would be detected standing. If you're in a town where the zombies will be relatively close, you're always going to be in a range where the zombies will detect you whether you're crouched or standing. I enjoyed more because there were set distances when you needed to go from standing to crouching, and then crouching to prone. In, with the negligible difference between standing and crouching, I'm either standing and sprinting, or prone.
  5. I started in and I really enjoyed sneaking past zombies. In, however, zombie sight detection is too sensitive or too random; the result is that sneaking just isn't worth it. In, if you're crouch walking in the field of vision of a zombie within 100 yards, you're going to be spotted. I'll be crouch walking by three zombies within 20 yards, timing their movement to miss their vision, when across town about 100 yards away a zombie on a hillside detects me. It's frustrating to spend 10 or 15 minutes dodging zombies to loot a town undetected only to have a distant zombie detect you while the nearest zombies roam obliviously. As a player trying to sneak, you have two options: play excrutiatingly slow by always being prone, or wreck the spirit and intention of the game by sprinting past all the zombies and bugging them on some object. I'm all for a more difficult game, but it's just too boring to always sneak prone. I suggest you return zombie sight detection to
  6. Rocket, here's some feedback on something other than helicopters:
  7. First, congratulations on an incredible mod. Day Z is awesome. Second, here is my feedback as a new player moving to from I've read this thread and I don't feel like you're getting accurate feedback from players who can run to a tent and fully rearm every time they die: Zombies' behavior or vision checks for players is too erratic to try to sneak; the result is that the only practical way to loot areas is to sprint through zombies, loot quickly and find a building with two openings to escape the zombies. In, crouch walk was a viable way to play the Frogger sneak game with zombies and loot areas. In, you will almost always have to be prone when there are multiple zombies within about a 100 yard radius. The issue is that you'll need to crouch to move over barriers or move up certain steps, and zombies will see you at this point. Being prone all the time also makes the game excruciatingly slow. At least in I tried to sneak past zombies, which I think is more in line with your intentions and the spirit of the game than bugging the zombies on some building. Here are a couple of examples: I spawned on a new server on the coast. Without moving, I looked east and west down the coast and didn't see any buildings. I looked north toward the railroad tracks and saw a building at least 100 yards away. As I zoomed in on the building, I saw a zombie already running toward me and I hadn't even moved. I'm sneaking by a zombie by crouch walking. I'm about 30 yards in front of the zombie and he's walking toward me, but has not detected me. As I crouch walk towards a house, a zombie almost 100 yards away begins to spring toward me, bringing his buddies. The zombie that I'm sneaking by, that is staring at me from 30 yards, does not detect me.