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About herings

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  1. herings

    I take your brand labels and substitute my own!

    Comrade Cola and Bolshevik Beans, with a little sideorder of Stalin Steak
  2. herings

    Famous last words... Dayz edition

    "Oh sweet, a Lee Enfield"
  3. herings

    Jamming the Run "W" Button

    Yeah, me toowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  4. herings

    My wife's take on DayZ

    Sounds just like my average Saturday nights
  5. herings

    If you were apple pie and you knew you were really meant to be cake, where would you bake? Personally I would apple the cheese and then snuggle a bear
  6. In my first life i spent nearly an hour crawling on my belly trying to get to a broken down Humvee. I was so excited because I was sure there would be military gear in it. Needless to say I quickly found out that it had absolutely nothing and I was devoured a few minutes later trying desperately to get some beans.
  7. Luking for sexy womens to play with plz must be sexy with nice voices plz
  8. Yep, this always works for me and my friends as well
  9. This is the worst idea, in the long sad history of bad ideas
  10. Oh dear lord that made me laugh. Just picturing you running with some dude hot on your heels with a zombie train behind you, all the while Yakety Sax is playing in the background. Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience dude, such is life in DayZ I guess, kill or be killed.
  11. Dear random dude whose name I cant remember. Thanks for trying to kill me when I was unarmed, dying of thirst, and trying to refill my canteen. The only thing worse than your horrible aim was your situational awareness. I hope you and the half a dozen zombies attracted by your gunshots had fun, at least it looked like that one zombie eating your face was having a blast. Sincerely: Snake PS: HAHAHA