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Posts posted by ciaran.turner@hotmail.co.uk

  1. All these accusations of duping, now i am not denying alot of people are duping (intentionally or not when setting up camps) but currently i have 1 spare ghillie and 2 spare NVGs, i did not dupe anything, legit finds, one day i found 3 pairs within 24 hours, i reckon most posts are people who saw some one with good gear, and insta dupe accusation.

    But no matter how annoying hacking and duping is, what is even more stupid is people calling for inventory resets and tent/vehicle/server wipes, when it is not the mod that allows duping, but is an ARMA 2 engine problem that cannot be fixed till standalone, so till then wiping every item from people will anger most of the community who have survived for several weeks and have full gear or missing 1 or 2 items.

  2. last two/three times i have been to the NWA Barracks (plus the rest of the military spawn points) each run i have come across about 6/8 AKMs, as well as 3/4 M4A1/M16A2, i would not be so upset but there is no variation even in the M4/M16 guns, i see no CCO/Acog/SD.

    Does any one else get the same loot constantly appearing with no variation? feels like the % of each spawn needs to get shuffled because i swear, its the same 3 guns that seem to have a 100% drop chance.

  3. A few days back i was travelling south with full gear to meet up with a friend, and help get him geared up at north, on the way however i came across an ATV and immediatly noticed gear inside meaning some one was nearby, so instead of risking it all, i got on and drove away, met my friend and drove north. We decided where to put the ATV and to set up a potential camp, however last night/this morning the server restarted, all the gear inside the ATV and the vehicle it self was gone, it was saved in the location with an l85/DMR/Ghillie/M9SD and some other stuff we had come across to keep incase we died (which i did, so i did the run all the way north) but instead of it in the trusty position it had been in it was gone (it wasnt stolen, had friendlies near the area which would have heard it who were keeping guard).

    tl;dr - have you had a vehicle/camp dissapear on server restarts and how do you stop it happening?

  4. Date/Time: 28/07/12 - approximatly 03:00 AM

    What happened: Entered a shed where a tree was poking through (i was browsing residentials for a ghillie) in which the tree broke me, made me bleed and then finished me off - after getting back to body (found a crash site on the way with a ghillie <_<) and then got to my body and obtained my gear, played later and found my backpack was reversed to the starting Coyote Patrol

    Where you were: In the first enterable residential in Rogovo approaching from the main road from Pogorevka.

    What you were doing: Looking for a ghillie suit inside a small shack/shed (loss of items was not implemented untill 30 minutes later when i logged on again to play with a friend)

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: LU258

    Items i lost: Mountain Dew (the thing i miss most), Coyote Backpack (24 Slot) AS50 with ammo along with some medical supplies and food/water.

    Overview: Died to a tree and a shed who teamed up against me, when logging onto another server it swapped my coyote backpack with a coyote patrol pack (it did move over some items such as antibiotics and some food/drink but lost my AS50 in the process)
