Here is another scenario I found myself in this past weekend. I had logged out on the roof of the tall apartment building (the one with only one apartment at the top floor). Yeah, I know: bad place to log out but I had to get off line ASAP. The next morning I log in and hear some movement. Thinking it was just zeds, I climb down the ladder and turn right into the apartment. As I turn towards the left someone walks right around the corner and stops. We stare at each other for maybe one heartbeat and then, in a blind panic, I raise my M1911 and start firing. I was in third person mode with no aiming or iron sights up. I fire four shots, none of them hit him. He turns around and runs back to the front room and I run down the stairs and out of the apartment screaming "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT! FRIENDLY! FRIENDLY!" I run that way back into the forest and manage to train only one zombie on my ass in doing so. My question is this: in a close range situation like that, what is the best way to make sure you actually hit someone when blind firing like that? Is it worth crouching down, taking aim, and then shooting? Or does the precious second it takes to do that ensure that the other guy is going to get the drop on you. I am glad I did not kill him but it was an intense moment for me. Just a big scaredy-cat care bear, Krisfallion