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About Dillydawg

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  1. Dillydawg

    Good Server's noob freindly.

    google search and download day z commander, it let's you search for day time only servers. As for your other problem, look up videos, on wiki, find friends or get your friends to get this. A good idea since you want a "easier experience" is looking for a low populated server so you can loot cities without having everyone out to get you. GB and DE servers are good for this.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS1wzdlu-WM&feature=g-u-u Btw I didn't make this, but a guy I watch for Battlefield 3 stuff did and he's been playin Day Z lately, thought you guys would like
  3. Dillydawg

    Anyone wanna survive together?

    K closing the offer now, sorry guys
  4. Dillydawg

    Anyone wanna survive together?

    Eh I guess skype is fine I'll send you my skype name in a pm
  5. Dillydawg

    Anyone wanna survive together?

    Ya didn't really mean to limit it, just wanted to stray off big clan groups looking to grow and stuff. Add me on steam and Kronik hasn't replied at all so I'm not sure if he's joining
  6. Dillydawg

    [HOW TO] Survive Starting Without A Gun

    Awesome guide although I knew most of this stuff, some of it helped, which is great so thanks.
  7. Don't want anything huge, just a small group to play with since I've been trying to get my friends to get this and they're waiting for the steam summer sale. I've been getting stuff and the hang of the game lately but have been dying because I find I have no one to watch my back. So would be great to play with some people-Preferably if you have a mic. I would like to use steam to talk. My steam ID is Dillydawg,as I don't want to use skype because that's for personal stuff for me. Would also like to note I'm American and live in CT, but stay on kinda late so not much of time limitations Edit-offer is closed now sorry guys
  8. Search the Arma 2 launcher or use the sixlauncher, here's a video explaining how to setup the arma 2 launcher
  9. Dillydawg

    Talk to group members without using direct

    Get skype, problem solved
  10. Dillydawg

    Weird graphics bug

    Like to what?
  11. Dillydawg

    Weird graphics bug

    It hasn't done this until today, but I'm getting this weird graphics bug. The screen is dark like night, during the daytime, wish I could take a screenshot, but it shows up black after I hit print screen. I mean completely black, not like how I am describing how the screen is. All I can see is silhouettes if things, and is hard to see anything even at the highest brightness and gamma.
  12. Dillydawg

    Tin Cans are dumb

    This thread is dedicated to my hate for tin cans after searching six buildings in a row and finding nothing but tin cans and bottles. Also I'd like to express anger at the people who shoot new spawning players who are defenseless and have no weapons.
  13. Title says all, I run this game on lowest graphic settings btw because of my less than ideal computer, but when I am hit by a zombie, my whole screen goes bright and the game becomes unplayable as I can see almost nothing. This is especially irritating because i usually cannot hit the zombie back because I can not see him after he hits me. The only fix I have found is going into video options, and then closing out, changing nothing, and it goes back to normal until I get hit again. Any help appreciated thanks.