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Everything posted by wolf7115

  1. Negative mouse acceleration is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard of. I agree with you complately OP. In DayZ, the controls in general are garbage. I don't at all feel like I'm walking around the world. Instead, I feel more like I'm remote controlling a drone on the moon with an ATARI controller.
  2. wolf7115

    PvE Server - Killed by a Human

    Are zombies not humans? Also, PvE server should not even exist in the first place. Although... now that I think about it.... it would be an easy place to go to kill some bambis.
  3. wolf7115

    safe zone

    Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.
  4. Don't tell me how to live my life.
  5. wolf7115

    How to not be killed on sight

    I cannot possibly give you any more beans. Something appears to be wrong with the forum software.
  6. wolf7115

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    I absolutely lost it after reading this. Thanks for the laugh.
  7. Not going to lie, I use 3rd because you get a better view of things, however, if it were removed and everyone was forced to use 1st, I would not complain. I heard that Rocket was making a hardcore mode that disabled 3rd anyway.
  8. wolf7115

    TO Everyone Who Camps Coast (Read)

    I have never once got killed at the coast after I have spawned. You must be really unlucky.
  9. wolf7115

    It's not that hard Rocket (combat logging comment)

    Just do what Darkfall does. Make it so your character remains in-game for 40 seconds after you disconnect from the server. This even prevents alt-f4 combat logging. He then just has to make it so that you cannot log into any other server until your character has been removed from the previous server.
  10. wolf7115

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    Adapt or survive. I kill everyone who is not one of my friends because nobody can be trusted. There is no way that anything is going to change my reasoning for this. I would rather spend a couple of rounds to kill a player than to trust them and end up losing all of my gear when they decide to kill me.
  11. wolf7115

    RULE 1- Don't get attached to your gear

    Don't tell me how to live my life.
  12. This last time, everyone on the server "US2221" got /kill'ed just literally 5 minutes before making this post. I can't go through all that work for my loot just to have some asshole take it every single time like this. I'm sure a lot of other people know of this problem and agree with me that it is annoying as fuck. I have decided that until the hacking is prevented better (it really is if you server-side most of the game) I am not going to play any more. I hope more people join me in this. Hacking prevention needs to be Rocket's #1 priority. When Rocket makes the standalone game, it better have hack prevention. This shit is outrageous.
  13. I would have to agree with teknotel in this post that this game is completely unplayable and Rocket needs to focus his next update on security as solving it now is far better than solving it later.I sure hope that client scripts can be turned off in the Arma3 engine. This would make Rocket's job 100x easier.
  14. Why don't people realize that alpha isn't the excuse for everything?I'm serious. If you were to play a game in alpha that is downright terrible (the game itself is) people always thing that it's going to get better as soon as the alpha tag gets removed. No. He needs to focus on stuff like this first. Once a better anti-hack is in, it doesn't need to be modified unless a new exploit is found. First of all, the ArmAII server shouldn't even allow client-side scripts to run. It's a very simple thing to prevent. I would have to say, putting everything to be server-side is far greater than having anything as client-side because it offers more security.
  15. The best way for someone to learn how this game is played is to just show it to them. Not hold their hand. I had to learn how to play DarkFall the hard way before I actually got better. Holding someone's hand is doing more harm than good. They won't learn how to part with their gear even when they do get good gear.
  16. wolf7115


    What fucking hipsters. There is nothing wrong with the community, but people whine about it once it goes mainstream. This happens to every community. People for some reason have the mindset that just because a lot of people play the game, it must be shit now. It's people like you, OP, who make this community a bad place.
  17. wolf7115

    Banditry exploded

    #1 rule of DayZ: Trust nobody. I will shoot anyone on sight.