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Everything posted by tommes

  1. If you have a problem without third person, you have...problably very low standards for yourself.
  2. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I'd gladly share my genius. You just need to stop resisting so hard. :)
  3. You're not supposed to have perks in DayZ.
  4. Never said that. But some are enough to spoil the bunch.
  5. BI is trying to get a leash on idiot asshole admins who can't be entrusted with that kind of power. Nothing personal. Don't know you.
  6. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Bollocks, dude. The vast majority, I mean like 90% or so, would deal with 3PP removed.
  7. There's nothing to discuss actually. Most are just waiting for you to understand. :)
  8. Exatcly that is what it started...and keeps the wheel spinning and spinning and spinning.
  9. Two wrongs don't make a right. Having 3PP enabled destroys common sense in combat behaviour and creates cover mikado. It's not about having advantage or not. It's about not having ridiculous advantage.
  10. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Two wrongs still don't make a right.
  11. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Nice to see that at least some people can be convinced that two wrongs don't make a right.
  12. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    As much as I like to taste the tears of 3PP advocates that suggestion is not productive.
  13. You must feel terribly threatened by me, though I actually didn't demand anything nor do I have the power to change DayZ or just disable NumEnter on your keyboard. You shuld relax a little more. Go, enjoy yourself, play on unrestricted 3PP for as long as you can. It's time might be over in the foreseeable future. :D
  14. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    This is a "change 3PP thread". You don't like to change it? Great. Go somewhere else! :)
  15. The Ken-Bean-Conspiracy. Soon in 3PP:off. :D
  16. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    A lot of players, just as you, are oblivious to the exploitative nature of 3PP and what it does to gameplay. If they get aware of it there's a good chance they join the 1PP camp. Many who did stated the 1PP combat experience to be much more enjoyable.
  17. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Seriously guys? You're still trying to argue with Ken Bean and his buddies? He's living behind a 7 ft massive brick wall. That's why he's so dependent on 3PP. You couldn't hit him logic there if it had the power of a nuclear bomb.
  18. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Finally the solution to the massively expanding forum database here. Rumor has it that BI staff is aiming at driving you out of the game because the budget on server harddrives is to tight so sustain your level of trolling.
  19. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Do we have to start this debate all over again from scratch just because some new guy came late to the party? @kiwi You aren't bringing anything new to the table.
  20. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    We had that covered by adding a visual indicator to make clear you are in a special viewmode and not actually seeing whats going on in certain parts of the screen like blurring them. Could also make up for the clipping of the models.
  21. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Maybe it's better development wise to concentrate on making the 1PP experience better first. More players might jump over the fence to the 1PP only servers. Maybe the seperate, more hardcore, hive makes them not move back. As long as there are enough populated servers everything is fine. Maybe even better than to have to play with the 3PP only guys. We could alse keep our elitism. It's always nice to have something to feel better about oneself. :)
  22. tommes

    The game needs nametags

    1. Make it necessary to have Line of Sight. 2. Maybe I don't want to alert the guy by talking to him. I just want to know if I know this guy or not and if so his name. If I know somebody and we are on friendly terms I can address him via direct chat with name and he might not kill shoot me out of surprise. Arma has several mechanics trying to simulate real life capabilities which are simply not there in a virtual world. Simulating recognizing a person would be no different if done correctly.
  23. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    How about you invent something here? That's the topic of this thread. I'd be curious how you find something that will not limit 3PP compared to what there's now...because that's exactly the point of this whole operation: to limit the superhuman powers of 3PP.