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Everything posted by tommes

  1. tommes

    My ingame name takes my computer name.

    Well, where's that thing to be found?
  2. tommes

    My ingame name takes my computer name.

    I lol'd. In Arma 2 at least it's where you'd expect it though.
  3. tommes

    My ingame name takes my computer name.

    Devs should just put the playername where everyone is expecting it...and that's in character setup. The present system is simple yet absolutely not intuitive.
  4. tommes

    My ingame name takes my computer name.

    Click on that name and change it.
  5. It doesn't solve anything. It just relieves some of the pain a little. Just like morphine doesn't fix your bones but makes you not feel it. The price you pay is a possible addiction and maybe hallucinations. It's one argument for 3PP:off that devs would be forced to improve 1PP. Wouldn't be that hard in my opinion. What I've heard Arma3 is much better in that regard so the knowledge is already in the company.
  6. tommes

    1.8.1 And The Future Of The Mod.

    Afaik the mod guys aren't the same as the SA devs. But I guess most of them are busy playing SA.
  7. I tried to make you understand by using an analogy. And I tried a bold one because everything more nuanced didn't work because the 3PP lot either does not understand, misunderstand or completely ignore everything the other side is presenting. In the beginning of DayZ nobody really cared about 3PP or not. Most, just as myself, just took it for granted, normal, given, not beeing aware of what it does to gameplay. But some day I had to experience exactly that and was quite annoyed by the fact that it was forcing me to adapt to bullshit. Couple of months later Dyslexi's video made the issue popular again. As a result more and more players, including the dev team, get aware of it and even some measures have been taken. So it wasn't for nothing. Examples for a principal. The principal beeing that what makes you not just a man, but a good man, is having ethics, morals and standards, especially for yourself. Well bro, you definitely aren't better at it. Am I an elitist for pointing that out?
  8. It lets you see things you can't see in 1st. Why? To make it harder? No. As I explained in detail: the mere existence of 3PP has more than trivial implications on the whole world. You have to change your behaviour away from common sense. You can't talk that away. Devs made the hardcore hive for a reason. They left the regular hive with 3PP for a reason too. So you guys won't bitch. Fine with me. Enjoy yourselves. I just won't take you for full (as a player and partly as a person) until you play like it.
  9. 2) Yeah...you got it. 3PP is like slavery. And I feel like a black guy whipped by white small dicked shits... :rolleyes:
  10. Another 3PP defender with bad reading skills and even worse logic. I never compared anything to Hitler. I said that 3PP being in OFP and Arma since the beginning is no reason for it to stay there forever. Some traditions have to be broken...just like slavery....once totally normal for mankind. Then some guy incapable of understanding the argument threw something with "Hitler" or "Nazis" at me which I answered with the wikipedia of Godwin's Law...which basically states that there's always a point where some dumb shit calls you Hitler due to lack of reasoning behind everything else he could say. Btw, I am an absolutely awesome poster. I am a master in argueing in internet discussion boards...as pathetic this title may be. You guys just hate me because you suck at it.
  11. That is? I mean besides making it easier for players with lower skillset?
  12. I'd appreciate if you'd write my nick correctly. I have standards. And all caps doesn't improve your bad argueing. Better reading skills along with higher intelligence would be of use here. See? That is the stuff why I have to assume that most of you guys are inferior. Everybody enjoys 3PP to some extent. But this enjoyment arises problems. Nobody'd care about those if we'd been talking about a single player or strict co-op game. But it ain't. There are other players and most of them are competing with you one way or another. Your playstyle affects the whole world around you. Even outside the virtual world obviously. Just look at the servers in the mod. The low standards of the majority of players has made DayZ Mod to a comic of it's core idea. Sure you have a lot of choice...the choice of which pile of dung to play on. That's why we see the necessity to speak up in the first place. We see the necessity to give up the comfort of having 3PP. We gladly lose the enjoyment there to gain a much bigger source of enjoyment: making the world more plausible. You might think this is not an issue. Well, the devs think it is. That's why they're promoting the hardcore hive. They want to motivate players to increase their standards without beeing pushy. Good for you guys. I wouldn't be so gentle because I know you guys rather need a decent kick in your rear to get yourself out of the comfort zone. So just stop worrying. Nobody's gonna take your precious 3PP. At least for the time beeing. If the hardcore hive can sustain itself we don't need to argue. I just hope the lack of standards in the majority of the playerbase won't kill it.
  13. It is exploited by most if they are aware of it, if they want it or not. You have the chance to see something in 3rd while not beeing able to in 1st at the push of a button who could resist? The mere possibility of that has consequences for the whole style of how you move through an area. There can always be some lame rooftop camper use his magic scope. That breaks common sense in the whole way you go through somewhere. Common sense tactics like checking rooftops and other sniperspots are pointless. It breaks the game for me because I want plausibility. Not some artificial game behaviour due to ridiculous rules and magic spells like the all seeing eye. Having common sense as your buddy you feel saver. That's right. Things are not actually easier. You just feel more at home because you can use what you already know of the world...what is actually a big thing for Rocket. Beeing able to transfer skills into the game or even out of it is a great thing. It's sort or roleplaying too. And if you want it or not, DayZ has a definitely strong combat part which you can't just ignore. Just like with the mere existence of 3PP the mere existence of firearms and PvP combat influence the game to it's core. You can't ignore other guys shooting at you because you're dead then and that puts a sudden end to your roleplay. Then roleplaying is not defined by perspective! Just because most RPG games today use 3PP doesn't make 1PP any less roleplayee. tl;dr You don't NEED 3PP. 3PP does bad things to gameplay.
  14. Nope. If there is the possibility of an exploit many will take advantage of it. Only a few are needed to spoil the whole bunch. The only way of preventing that is to make things not exploitable. Seems like you could live very well without 3PP enabled. So why are you so vigilant? Can't follow that reasoning. 3PP:off doesn't change the core of DayZ and how players interact with each other...at least not negatively. 3PP:off doesn't take away much. You just don't get my arguments. Then you argue against what you understood. Then I think you aren't the brightest bulb. That's the causality. Let me enhance on that. I say, everyone who won't give up that little bastard of a beginners crutch that 3PP is by himself when finding out about the effects on gameplay poses himself as low to me. A decent player would say "Damn it! I'll give it up gladly for an overall better gaming experience even though it had it's charme. I can easily adapt to having it disabled. No big deal." But you guys act more like this: Btw, Rocket promotes playing hardcore. He's just more protective of you puppies than I'd be. ^^
  15. It doesn't...if there's is a decent server to play on. Having different gamemodes, difficulties and the like splits the playerbase limiting choice for all of them. You guys are just lucky that your way is popular enough so you don't even notice any limitations. I'd consider you okay if you wouldn't cry and cling to your precious little aide there. What's so terribly bad about not having 3PP enabled? Why is it such a big deal to you guys that you fight for it to the death...even though nobody is actually threatening to take it away from you? I guess the 3PP crowd would shed the biggest tears if somebody would take away 1PP entirely. To sum up what I mean.... WTF are you talking about? Dean has climbed Everest so you can use 3PP? You guys are really bad in making arguments. How about you climb Everest? Then you may use 3PP as much as you want and I wont give you shit about it anymore.
  16. It will probably be quite different. The mod is a mature guy just waiting for retirement. The SA is a newborn child learning to walk. Do you want to play Arma 2 and it's respective missions and mods? If not, skip. Are you interested in Arma 3? There's a DayZ-Mod for that too. Afaik more than one. And Wasteland looks like fun too. No? You just want to play DayZ and nothing else? Get the SA...but be aware that it's still struggling to walk by itself.
  17. Try what? 3PP:off? You guys don't. And what argument of mine is negated by that? Don't see one. Nobody cares about what you're doing alone in the woods. It's just pretty pathetic if you can't give up 3PP. Baiting? I'm merely stating this unwillingness to give up aides like 3PP says something about what kind of player you are. If you never play games on a harder setting your skill level will always be limited. Nobody was talking about the hive. Don't give a damn about the hive. ...as players. But how you play reflects on how you take on things in life as well I believe. Well, most of my judgement derives from the way the 3PP camp behaves in discussions here. I don't think im elite. You guys just make me stand above by presenting yourself so low. How about you give me something to see you as level peer?
  18. So simple yet so unintiuitive. Stunning.
  19. Who knows? The 3PP crowd doesn't put itself to the test. They could be great. They just chose not to.
  20. Sure they prefer. Sure it's their choice. Sure they can do whatever they want to, but what other than your choices define you as a person...or in this case, as a player?
  21. I raise my children not to use 3PP or other lame shit and believe me, I'd spank that out of you guys too.
  22. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    The 4th wall is in OP. The "problem" with all this choice is that a lot of people will make make the easy one and draw the playerbase with them eventually drying out the more hardcore servers because hardcore players rather play softcore than alone. That has started this whole discussion in the first place. If there'd be enough servers available for the respective preference nobody'd care about the others. But "low standard players" create a gravity making black holes look bad in comparison. Just look at DayZ Mod!
  23. tommes

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    The majority will likely go for the easy fun route, which means lots of stuff and no limitations. So it happend in the Mod.
  24. ...that can be turned off easily. But only men do that. Character shows not in what one can't do but in what one refrains of doing despite having the power to.
  25. Why so hostile all the sudden? I just pointed out that people clinging to 3PP obviously have low(er) standards for themselves. If you don't want to accept that then who's in denial? But that's basically the main theme of this whole 3PP:on vs. :off discussion where one side practically does nothing else than telling the other side to fuck off and leave 'em the choice to be low. Well, don't worry. Nobody's gonna take that choice off you. Especially not me. I don't have the power. I stopped caring anyway. I just hope there will be enough populated 3PP:off servers for the real men amongst us.