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Everything posted by tommes

  1. I used the bizon and mp5sd just yesternight in Elektro-Deathmatch. Was able to kill a few guys, even from like 150m away. Targets seemed confused about where they got attacked from. They are useful...if you are good and have the jump on your target. If the other guy is as good with a stronger rifle, you're pretty much screwed. DayZ needs a fundamental overhaul of the health and damage system. The nerf now just does not resemble real life ballistics very well.
  2. tommes

    "2 round" slugs and pellets

    They can't do much here for the mod because the problem lies in engine functionality. This will be done completely different in standalone because there they can change the engine. Guns and ammo will be objects of their own and it will be possible to change and save each their properties.
  3. The gear is essentially what a character is except for position. Maybe just losing a certain number of items with a good chance of beeing it your primary gun would be punishment enough. If somebody combat logs chances are blood level is already low. So that wouldn't be much of a punishment. Relogging unconscious might very well be the best balanced punishment so far.
  4. tommes

    Electro Deathmatch

    Had a nice session last night. Definitely a good training ground for PvP, getting familiar with the weapons and stuff. Gonna stick around.
  5. tommes

    Electro Deathmatch

    Srcumbee is checking out if some fixed script is working. Should be online again soon. There's no loot but ammo and weapon boxes all over the place with almost every DayZ gun in it. I like that concept.
  6. tommes

    Electro Deathmatch

    Seems like you spawn with a M4, six STANAG mags, map, compass, Czech backpack. Could be interesting. Servers seem to be down though.
  7. tommes

    Electro Deathmatch

    Do you spawn with a weapon? How big is the map? Some more details please.
  8. tommes

    Dragging dead bodies.

    You can drag LIVING bodies in DayZ. We're talking about dead ones.
  9. tommes

    Major Dayz suggestions

    A car door does not provide any protection to rifle bullets unless it's armored.
  10. tommes

    Those things they never tell you.

    Afaik you can activate debug, have a look, deactivate, and the indicators are back online.
  11. There's a thread in the forums where someone pointed out that the hide body option is ridiculous and should be replaced with the capability of dragging dead corpses so you really have to hide them somewhere if you want to cover your traces. Makes sense. And it would make it possible to drag a body somewhere safe to loot it.
  12. tommes

    Dragging dead bodies.

    It's a good idea and realistic aka plausible. You could drag a body somewhere safe to loot it.
  13. There are plenty of fools. You could help them survive. Troll them. Join them. Protect them. Firefights also are much more intense than in other games. In PvP-Games like CoD or whatever you don't give a shit about killing and being killed. That's all you do. In DayZ every shot fired in hearing distance get's you adrenaline up.
  14. Or you just log out and join a daytime server...or real life for a change. Dude, it's just a game! There's neither the need nor a point in putting every everyday nuisance into my funtime. If I'd like to wash myself then would I play computer games?
  15. Disable vsync to see the real maximum.
  16. Most of those fixes should've been done by rocket long time ago. I just hope they will put some of it in the next patch...if there will ever be one.
  17. There's an insane amount of crappy bagpacks in Cherno right now. Spawn rate might be a little to high.
  18. Will guns be unnerfed in the mod anytime soon? And how about the standalone? Handguns should be as deadly as in reality again! And there should be a bigass handgun like the Desert Eagle or a Magnum Revolver.
  19. tommes

    2 Suggestions for loot system

    I wouldn't be so confident here.
  20. That's life. One asshole fucks it up for everybody.
  21. They need to totally redo the zeds in my opinion. Right now almost everything is weird about them. Spawning, movement, damage...but that will take some time and effort to do and probably just can't be done for the mod. So patience there please!
  22. I guess one of your files is corrupted. Download and copy again!
  23. I hope you bought the guns to protect it too.
  24. tommes

    Enfield firing rate.

    They can't be because they're only string references and not objects on their own. This will be changed however in standalone. Rocket has been talking about stuff like that a lot lately. I for my part would prefer the Enf having it's old damage value of 12000+ again. There'd be no need for a second shot.