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Everything posted by tommes

  1. Look at your teammates for animations. That's what we did back then before the great war. ^^
  2. That is why I think forcing players into 1st person might at least lead some players onto the path of light. Sometimes people need some extrinsical motivation. In plain English: They need to be kicked in the ass to move it. Once they're in motion they might feel good about themselves.
  3. It was neither silly or bait. It is absolutely no effort developing wise to turn off TPV. Time could be solely spend on making everything else better. It is no problem to play in a 1st person only perspective if engine peformance and controls are smooth. There's thousands of 1st person games proving that.
  4. You don't. Just stop trolling and everything will be fine.
  5. Exactly. Just remove it. Because right now it causes trouble.
  6. That is a good point. If you rework TPV it will become different of course. Probably the TPV lovers won't love it so much anymore. The possible bitching will make this whole discussion look puny.
  7. Many a game went to shit because it was adapted for the moron masses. Shit must taste awesome. 20 billion flies can't be wrong! Rocket quit a job and moved to Czech Republic because he didn't want to be part of this huge digestive system. He made DayZ to be something different. DayZ was so successful because it was different. If he now starts to go after the masses SA will be like a flare out of a M204 launcher. Quickly vanished.
  8. Reading and understanding are obviously two very different things. I wrote: - presently only the TPV fans are happy - easiest solution is to turn off TPV Which one isn't true? Why would I need a game dev to agree to something that's already fact?
  9. Gosh, I really hate you. I use TPV too on TPV enabled servers. It is more comfortable in some situations and I don't want to be at disadvantage. I'm quite willing to give that up for a more decent gaming experience. Btw, the landscape is the same. No matter which view. You can unnaturally see more with TPV, which may give you comfort but breaks common sense and makes common sense tactics partly invalid. You won't understand that.
  10. Maybe you understand now the problem FPV-Users are facing. We can't find decent servers because everybody is setting their servers to some bullshit mode we don't want. Btw, there's almost no vanilla servers anymore because the hive was screwed an overrun with cheaters and scripters. Players had to move to private hives where admins could protect their flock. The userbase didn't just choose to go, they were driven away by cheats and exploits includin duping items and overly use of .50 cal sniper rifles. The problem was essentially the same as the TPV thingy. If you give the possibility of exploitation at least some will do...and that screws it up for the others. Sure. But those are wrong in DayZ. That's why Rocket removed the possibility of setting a server password for hive servers once. People rented their servers, set up a password and could gear up in peace and have their bases protected there. But that's against the idea of DayZ. You are not supposed to have such perks in the zombie apocalypse. We've explained that one now like 83 times spread over 45 pages or so. Just admit you don't want to understand our viewpoint.
  11. You aren't the only one for sure...(I'm tempted to calling names again.) Point 2 wouldn't do anything because it's a simple statement of a fact. Just turning it off is the simplest of all solutions. Sales do not matter in this. Well, because you don't understand points 3 to 5 I'd like to call you names. Understand? It's like you say "I respect your points, but I don't."
  12. Try that in real life. Make a picture of what you see in FPV! Please!
  13. You just don't get it. TDP enabled allows for certain tactics that simply suck balls. We don't want it turned off for a quick fun round. We mostly wouldn't care if it wouldn't break the game to some extent. The problem is that others make the choice for us and we find ourselves to be (soft) forced to play along. How many times will this have to be explained to you? This is one world. One boat. We are tied together. If we want it or not. It's like you choose to waste your environment with no regards. Your choice is messing it up for everybody close by too. One hive. One set of rules. One world for all. That's the way DayZ was intended. Your idea only works in independent worlds. Your idea is presently represented with the loads of private hive servers, which are mostly totally screwed with crappy custom stuff. The result of give freedom of choice to server admins. Already explained here a couple million times...
  14. Well, there's some stuff we won't have to agree upon because they're more or less fact: - Only the 3rd person fans are happy right now. - The most simple solution would be to just shut off 3rd person view. No coding time. No performance impact anywhere. - Playing in 1st has to be improved anyway by improving machine performance (more FPS) and smoother controls. - 3rd person view like it is now sucks balls for competitivness (PvP combat) which is an integral part of multiplayer games with a combat part like DayZ is. - 3rd person view has to be seriously reworked if left in the game.
  15. I wanted it to show. What is contempt worth if you can't show it? I have a lot of capabilities. Especially regarding discussions. Especially in internet boards. Doing that since a long time. The problem is that I don't see much of that in the opposition here. You can only discuss stuff sensibly if the other side plays along. But they can only play in 3rd person view...far away from other players. Too sad they don't combat log... ^^
  16. I'm a cynic. Out of experience. I've watched my fellow man for quite some time yet. How about you use your capability to choose to educate yourself into how to play DayZ in FPV? You might find out that this is the right thing. And even if not, you might finally make valid points for your case.
  17. I know you don't have any idea how much fail your post is. Have a nice day anyway.
  18. As I said, I had to ask this question because of what his "point" was. But this is a general problem in such discussions. You can't really see the points independently from the ones making them because for many of those there's only one reason: personal incapabilities. (That is the nice version. What I actually mean is they are a bunch of dumb lamers I wouldn't want to play with in the first place...if I had this godly choice they're praying...which is not there because those guys are everywhere in swarms...) I should stop following this thread. Will have no effect anyway on Rocket or the game and the opposition is clearly incapable or unwilling to see and understand the side of the FPV advocates. Makes no sense to make the points over and over again when they are ignored anyway. But once again, that's why choice will lead into desaster. People cannot distinguish right form wrong by themselves. They tend to choose to be assholes just because they are incapable of realizing how they are. Sad but true.
  19. So TPV plays in favor of lame campers? Wow! We didn't think of that...why don't we open a thread about that? A guy sitting inside will have very limited vision...unless he can exploit TPV...another completely new point in this discussion of course...
  20. NVGs don't provide you with 360° vision all around. They limit you field of view even further. Another total non argument from you. You don't make any sensible point. Sorry I have to ask but are you retarded or don't you follow this discussion? We explained the bad effects of having this choice in detail.
  21. It totally amazes me how you still not get how this is totally bullshit.
  22. Dude, whatever you think, this is not an valid argument for 3rd person view. Humans in real life don't have 3rd person view! Players in Arma/DayZ can use essentially the same tactics as in reality to conceal themselves. Of course within the limits of the game. Magic floating eyeballs is no solution!
  23. And your point is? With 3rd person view the observer has true invisibility from almost any spot his potential targets can use. A real life sniper is never really invisible. He is camouflaged. Btw, there was an endless discussion about lame snipers, just sitting around and blasting fresh spawns running into their crosshairs...and now you are using those FOR your case? How lame can this even get? The longer this thread goes the more I despise 3rd person whiners. And my starting point was already low...
  24. Then you would have to leave the choice to enable 3rd person view or not to the devs and not the server admin because otherwise they will pussy out to all those role players. The sort of gravity the lamers have was pointed out several times in this thread. Why don't you provide is with some sample code of something like that? You can't. Maybe you should shut up and leave that sort of thing to the people with actual knowledge and skill. Haven't played Max Payne 3 but it sure has no 255 km2 and more maps. It's easy to hone some very limited map to get the cinematic experience desired, but for something like Arma, which runs as shit anyway, it's a tremendous task. Shutting off 3rd person view is just like hitting a switch. Absolutely no effort while reaping oceans of tears off disgruntled 3rd person whores.