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Everything posted by tommes

  1. tommes

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    And that is ridiculous. Infections have incubation time. There's no virus who can procreate that fast.
  2. People these days just would die with no GPS in their cellphones I guess.
  3. No. Same people. Still better chance to find intelligent life on Mars than on TPV lovers side.
  4. Exactly my point. Better call him names. Doesn't solve anything but feels good.
  5. "...forever until..." Forever has no until! Problem solved.
  6. The idea is not that bad. It would suck though playing on an empty server. I want to encounter other players...however that encounter ends up to be.
  7. Classic hen egg problem. If the FPV only players would bunch up there probably would be more populated FPV only servers...so there obviously is some reason preventing that from happening. If you have a group of 3 or more players chances are at least one is insisting on TPV enabled. Of said group the majority will be neutral with maybe another guy who explicitly wants FPV. So the TPV guy/s draw in the neutrals and therefore are much more likely to have their way. So TPV gets more weight than it should have.
  8. tommes

    easily looking behind you

    OP needs a TrackIR or FaceTrackNoIR and he's fine...or learn how to move with keyboard and mouse correctly. TrackIR is great though!
  9. tommes

    How to stop farming and server hopping

    That is THE point. I guess Rocket has something up his sleeve to prevent combat logging and hive teleporting. At least I hope so.
  10. You can achieve your goal FPV only too. Just need to get adjusted to it. You never took this time because pressing Enter is much easier.
  11. Most possible solutions to fix TPV are relatively complicated to program. The simplest solution without disabling it completely would be to put the camera much closer to your body. Rocket decided to go that way. The blurr might be a working solution either. One would have to see it.
  12. So? I don't have a problem using force on others. I promote forcing people to not play like shit because obviously they can't be entrusted with choosing for themselves. Would be a nice and easy solution...if there wouldn't be that gravity of lame problem we explained a lot. It seems like people need some push to adjust to FPV only. As polls showed the majority would deal with it if there's no choice.
  13. FPV ain't broken. It's just not perfect. I can deal with lack of perfection as in any other game. What we can agree upon is that things should be improved. I'm all for that. TPV itself is not broken either. It does TPV perfectly. It's the nature of TPV that breaks (change to something far less good) a major part of the game.
  14. You fail to understand that there's a connection between "exploitable" and "better/worse". If something is exploitable it can break the whole system. That's why people make rules about things. To stop exploiting. Why is that so hard to understand? We are thinking of DayZ as a whole. If just a few exploit something it has the capability to alter the whole thing. You guys fail to see that your preference has the potential to break it for everbody else. If you want it or not. So what is more important? Fairplay for all or watching the ass of your avatar?
  15. It's still fun. The other side hasn't learned a bit and probably won't. They'll be opposing until the end of time. No matter what. And it doesn't really matter if there definitely will be TPV in SA, because the discussion is more principal.
  16. Because they are way better than the alternatives. When in doubt, I am, of course. ^^ Not everyone. Just the ones staying on the wrong side of the argument even after getting explained in detail why they are wrong and/or arguing for their side in an unintelligent manner. I understand quite well why you guys don't like me. Not a problem. I don't like you either. Wouldn't matter if you were capable of understanding what the problem with TPV is and why it has to be dealt with. But you can't because you rather focus on my personality instead of the argument...which is another sign of cognitive suboptimazition on your part. You can attack me personally as long as you want. I don't care and it does not matter at all. Because I picked the right path. Simple. The path of TPV is wrong one in the setting of DayZ and competitive first person shooter games...which is DayZ to a significant part. That part is so dominating that others have to give in.
  17. Because. This. Is. The. Zombie. Apocalypse.
  18. What? I can explain why TPV is exploitable but that does not make it fact? What then? If I'd babble stuff that doesn't make any sense like you do? So? If I had the power to make the rules I would give no single fuck about polls and that you guys like to watch your own asses and play dressup with your little avatar. You guys are so bad at discussing stuff. Really bad.
  19. That I am pure awesome. What did you think?
  20. Sure they do. The choices you make speak truth about you. Much better than words.
  21. Your questions are stupid because you fail to understand. Remove bad choices and those cannot be made. That's called making rules. Set the rules right and people can't play as shitty as they normally would. Example: Offside rule. If not present, players would just go behind the opponents defense and wait til somebody gives them a pass. Would lead to shitty gameplay nobody would like to watch. Solution: Put up the offside rule and enforce it. Example for DayZ (SA): Disable TPV for making exploitation impossible. Do not give server admins the power to make servers to some psycho Disneyland. Stuff like that. You get the concept? Probably not.
  22. What? That you can't choose bad things if there's no choice at all? That is just logic. That people tend to choose bad things? That's pretty evident. You might disagree on what is bad and what not...but be aware that your choice reflects on you.
  23. I did. You obviously failed to understand.
  24. People would not make bad choices if there wouldn't be any. That was the point.
  25. I wouldn't cry. I'm just not interested in TPV only games. Those are mostly not point but your personal opinion. I could only validate 2 points: 1. FPV is limited compared to reality 2. TPV is unrealistic and exploitable My opinion is that I can live with the limitations of FPV as in any other FPV game while the exploitation of TPV really is annoying at times. That you like and maybe prefer using TPV is your preference and wasn't ever debated. However what is debated is the promotion of choice. We do have choice at present. That lead to many players choosing horrible things and to the existence and maybe even domination of this joke version of DayZ fun deatchmatch. So choice is good? No! Not always. Often enough choice has to be limited by some authority to prevent bad things to happen. Especially in competitive games or sports this is a must which is not debated by anyone. You sure must have fun repeating yourself. If you would just choose to stop that and for once understand the mechanics of decent and fair gaming. Choice is good! Or is it?