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Everything posted by tommes

  1. Dividing hives ain't a real solution. It's only a crutch to get around certain problems while not having the means to really address the core of the problem...very much like 3PP.
  2. That's not bad. I would take it over splitting hives. However I think it's not the perfect solution exactly because it's not intuitive. People would still use it to look over fences and stuff and get some tactical relevant information...which could lead into a false sense of security and backfire. That wouldn't be really dramatic and as I said, I'd take it over splitting hives any day, but I think it can be done better with like camera closer to the head or something. But it's great to see that the issue is taken seriously by many and that solutions are in the making.
  3. I do remember exactly. That's why I talk to Ken Bean this way. If you want to keep this thread taking the exact same route then keep him from posting here. (I'm aware this won't happen as I'm aware 3PP is there to stay. My only goal here is to make at least some people think a little more and maybe even convince them...or at least making them use better arguments.)
  4. That sure was disputed many many times by like everyone...because we all care about what you like or not. What we actually claimed is that you guys are pussies. That doesn't really make us hardcore. Only not pussies...or dicks. And dicks fuck pussies...and assholes...you know? Now, what's the matter with you? There are plenty of 3PP:on servers out there where you can play dress up with your barbie doll...uhm...character. No need for you to complain.
  5. tommes

    Odd coincidence or.....

    Does your ISP disconnect you after 24 hours of connection? Had that nightly at 2 o'clock and had to change the setting in the router.
  6. We have pretty strict regulations for smoking. You just can't smoke inside a club, bar or restaurant. There was a lot of complaining at first but everybody is dealing fine with it now. I'm saying this as a casual smoker. Nightlife didn't suffer for me because of those restrictions and having smoke free air inside has it's perks.
  7. Thx for the tip. Caught that phrase somewhere. Then read it as "meh" instead or whatever. You get the meaning.
  8. tommes

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    This is the standard argument but who knows how many good shoot are out there? I'm a civilian now. I was in the military once and am a decent shot. Many people are members of shooters guilds here around. Though they only shoot air pressure guns they have what it takes to be a good enough shot. Then DayZ should not be a role playing game with skillpoints and leveling and whatnot. To assume people are inaccurate because the lack of training und somehow calculate that in is some form of this and I would really hate that.
  9. tommes

    Odd coincidence or.....

    Can you confirm that your whole internet connection was down or was it only the DayZ server? Did your Teamspeak or whatever go down too?
  10. My tone has it's source in really stupid arguments made over and over again by certain people. I figure said people don't have proper higher brain functions and are therefore retarded or they are trolling. Ken Bean might be a special case here because he is probably both. And for the misspelling you found...congrats! You've found one in the vast spaces of an internet message board. A new hero is born! I just hope you didn't use zoom to find it. That is considered cheating by some people here...
  11. Get off the zoom, guys! It's off topic here. It is definitely by far not as game breaking as 3PP though.
  12. Neither 3PP or zoom are integral. We have established 3PP will not be removed completely. You don't have to defend it.
  13. I've read them all. They're moot. Now stop posting! Please!
  14. No one ever talked about zoom...until one side ran out of sensible arguments. But hey, let's remove this thingy too! If that makes you guys accept the removal of 3PP...but I guess none of the 3PP crowd actually wants that. It's a phony argument. Just let it go. There's no real threat to 3PP. Rocket won't remove it. So keep cool.
  15. It is really tiresome to explain that over and over again...but I'm actually a nice guy when I'm not pissed off by others ignorance...so I will do it one more time. Imagine some guy lying behind a rock, using 3PP to scope the area. Some other guy is in the open field in front of said rock. One guy is virtually invisible to the other while the latter has full awareness of the surroundings. The guy behind the rock can pick the best moment, pre-aim and whatnot while the guy in open field has what to level this? Nothing. Now imagine 3PP disabled. The guy behind the rock can't se shit without exposing himself at least a little. He would still have advantage of cover but the guy in open field has the chance of hitting him and therefore the power to supress him, move around, get closer, while the guy behind the rock doesn't see much. That makes an interesting situation while 3PP enabled makes a slaughter while beeing far far off reality.
  16. I don't see that big an advantage here. But let's keep that zoom discussion to somewhere else. It has nothing to do with 3PP enabled or not other than some guys utilizing it as a shield against sensibility.
  17. And where is your argument? Feature is in the game -> we want to get it out of there. Fair is the wrong word. It's about combat not beeing totally ridiculous and against common sense any more. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less. And your clinging to a feature, meant to relieve the stress of beginners and other low skilled players, is purely pathetic.
  18. Let's take out the zoom! Please do! As long as you guys have to stop petting your new found bullshit argument everything is fine. Never missed zoom in other FPS. Can easily deal with that, especially with the taste of 3PP lovers tears in my mouth. Oh, so sweet!
  19. And once more for the ones late to the party: Rocket confirmed that there's an issue with 3PP back in September and he promised to do something about it namely fixing 3PP. He even stated that they were already looking into how they actually do it. I'm aware of the fact that I'm not a developer and have no power over the game. So what? I don't matter here. If you have a problem with what I'm saying, attack that! You can't hit me with anything else. I'm like a ghost. You can't hurt me inside the matrix.
  20. Because the real issues are 1PP isn't as good as it should be AND 3PP does bad things to gameplay. Dividing the player base might be a viable short term solution to take some steam out of the discussion, but in the long run 3PP should be fixed as well as 1PP improved. Then we could all play together again in relative peace and get back to killing each other fair and square.
  21. Because the solution provided is not completely satisfying. It's like a bandage and some morphine. Helps to relieve the pain to some extent but the wound is still open.
  22. Please Ken, do everyone here a favour and refrain from posting on this issue ever again! This has been explained a million times here and in the other thread a couple of months ago, which you've single handedly kept alive for more than 100 pages with your inability to acknowlede even the most obvious arguments. According to your logic using hacks would be fair because everybody could use them. So think about that and stop posting. Most importantly, stop posting!
  23. It is not more enjoyable. It is just easier...more comfortable. If one gets over the initial effort to get used to 3PP:off it is at least(!) as enjoyable as with enabled 3PP.
  24. Yeah...because there are not enough people buying 1st person only shooter games...dream on, dude! And once again: The fucking devs can fucking make you fucking play the fucking game the fuck they want!
  25. 1. RPG does not mean 3PP enabled! 2. You can look at your character in inventory screen. 3. "I love to" is no valid reason to keep a multiplayer game breaking mechanic. And once again: Rocket promised to fix 3PP. I guess there's just not enough time at the moment to take care of that and bugfixing. Therefore he decided to take the shorter route with seperate hives.