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Everything posted by tommes

  1. Godwin's law. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%E2%80%99s_law
  2. Tons of servers with pure role playing focus? Where are they? Does the official hive have even the slightest role playing focus? There's two mods especially made for role playing. Why don't you guys go there if that's what you want? DayZ ain't just for roleplaying. It has a major combat aspect you can't talk out of it. As long as that's there your RP argument ain't a valid one.
  3. The point is the time window the 3PP camper has is not limited. He can take as much time as he wants beeing invisible, pre aim, stand up, shoot, be invisible again in practically no time. With 3PP off he would have to expose himself to spot someone. What is so hard to understand about that? Anybody with some common sense would check rooftops and possible sniper spots before going out into the open. With 3PP enabled it's pointless though. That is ridiculous. To adapt you have to change your playstyle to something far far from plausible which might even be a major obstacle for new players. It's a major theme for rocket to make DayZ a game where real world skills and knowledge are supposed to help you. 3PP destroys a significant part of that by sheer existence. This is like the major argument we are trying to make since forever...and you guys simply ignore that. Why? Because you like it. That's basically it.
  4. I've stated earlier I'd go with that non rendering of out of line of sight objects anyday over what there's now. I don't think it's perfect though and explained why. Nobody would have a problem with 3PP if DayZ wouldn't have an integral PvP combat element which is affected greatly.
  5. Unfortunately it's his right to be stupid and ignorant. Otherwise I'd be spamming that button. I just take the right to point it out.
  6. I can't follow your thinking. Not that I'm surprised... I'm hearing what you guys are saying. I just think it's astoundingly stupid and ignorant. I know 3PP won't be removed. Stated that many many times. I just wonder why you guys still feel so threatened.
  7. No, I didn't. I said the way of argueing is the same. "It was always there..." is just not a valid argument. If it's bad it should be gone. Simple as that.
  8. Some argueing here is indeed a special kind of stupid. I'm sorry you didn't understand.
  9. You guys are really really bad in reading, understanding and therefore argueing. I bet you guys enjoy yourselves in 3PP. Nobody doubted that. You can't enjoy this game without it? Well, poor little thing! Can't walk without crutches. Sad story.
  10. We've learned quickly how ridiculous combat with 3PP enabled is. Maybe you folks have played to long with 3PP and forgot how to fight without it. "It has been there since forever" is no valid argument at all. There was a time slavery was completely normal...for centuries...but it was the right thing to get rid of it.
  11. Third person view is not needed in DayZ. You can live without it perfectly and enjoy the game as much as other first person games. The problems with DayZ are more the controls and not the perspective. There's no other game where moving up or down a ladder or even opening a door is that much of a hazzle. I'd be curious to see how many really would play this game if it had FPV removed. I'd guess it wouldn't be remebered. I also guess that 100% of the 3PP lovers here switch to 1PP all the time and they most likely could not have any fun if 1PP would be removed.
  12. Would anybody care about either of those games without first person perspective?
  13. That is simply wrong. Choice is not always good. People tend to chose everything but wise all over the place on all sorts of occasions. Choice is limited by rules everywhere to make things go round.
  14. Oh, please make 3rd person only servers! Please! Or remove it completely from DayZ! Would be great. Then I can finally delete it from my harddrive and leave you guys to your console style gaming. I'd only be curious how many actually would play this game without 1st person view.
  15. You're arguing a non issue...as you guys just always do. I don't have the power to force you and I would settle for the non rendering of out of line of sight objects. Who's butthurt now? Still afraid devs gonna take your precious 3PP out of the game? Not going to happen. So what is your problem? Afraid you can't scope out other people over fences anymore? The reason I don't respect you guys is that you react like teenagers afraid of somebody taking away their cellphone. You can't live without that little thingy and probably feel physical pain while seperated from it. Grow some balls! Stay on topic! Make some points! Don't attack me! You can't hit me anyway.
  16. Dead serious. It would work and I'd be happy.
  17. The analogiy is not fitting anyway because nobody has a problem to watch a movie in solitude. So cut the crap please.
  18. You are still really annoying. Forcing would work perfectly. And you'd have choice. The choice to play 1st person or leave. Would work fine with me, as my preferred mode would prevail. The choice would be in my favor and I could give less than a fuck to the whining and bitching of 3PP lovers. Why should there be any change if anything is like I want it to be? Sadly it's the exact opposite situation. One hive gives more choice inside of it. More servers, more players more everything. I said nothing about difficulty. As for me there should only be one difficulty: extremely fucking hard but plausible! No bullshit!
  19. We actually want a better movie to be shown. Avatar had nice optics but the story is Pocahontas in blue.
  20. Thanks to these discussions here and other places more and more people even became aware that there's an issue with 3rd person view and seem to have chosen to go into the light. That is great. The discussions seem to have a positive impact and that's why I'm still here. There's hope! Let's hatch it!
  21. We need a critical mass of like minded people to be able to enjoy the game as we want it to. It is a pity this can't be maintained with the DayZ crowd. That's why I would go with the in my opinion imperfect solution of not rendering objects not in line of sight. Seems to be easy to implement while solving at least most of the issues. I think we could agree on that as the smallest common demoninator so let's get word out to the devs! Reunite the hive! Both view modes should still be worked on to improve the overall gaming expierience for everybody.
  22. All evil needs is the good men to do nothing...
  23. Seperate hives and the problem with having one or few players in your group who won't play on 1st person only servers for life which is maybe THE issue over all other issues, because that creates a lot of gravity towards 3PP enabled servers to the point they suck 1st person only ones dry as happened in the mod.
  24. I believe the majority of players would complain a lot and then deal with it and keep playing. Back in September some dude made several polls about that here and on reddit and the vast majority would rather play 3PP:off than to not play DayZ at all. But we will never find out because 3PP is going to stay in some form or the other.