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Everything posted by Larkins

  1. Larkins

    What are the odds?

    "Never tell me the odds" -Han solo
  2. Is this the thread you were looking for? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63229-i-think-the-day-z-creators-are-the-people-hacking/
  3. Larkins

    Ban Appeals

    This one is great! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62697-ban-appeal/
  4. Larkins

    Please leave ALT F4 in the game.

    Well the hackers have disabled using abort and alt F4 on a few servers I've been on so it doesn't always help. I've had to alt tab and close the game that way. Luckily I was quick enough to save myself.
  5. Larkins

    Battleye's a joke...

    What's the punch line?
  6. Larkins

    Dark day for script-kiddies coming

    Survivor Jesus IS real!
  7. You're right. I will never believe this.
  8. I've been on a hacked server where they disabled abort and alt F4. I had to alt tab out and close the game down that way. Sometimes not quick enough to save myself.
  9. Larkins

    PSA - Paradropping cows...

    Well it would be easier finding meat now....
  10. Larkins

    Dark day for script-kiddies coming

    Hopefully it works and continues to work. Also hoping "very soon" is this week.
  11. Larkins

    choking victim

    Hacker. Was kicked from server.
  12. Larkins

    choking victim

    Also there was in instance of Thunderdome on US87 earlier. I had just missed it. I was logging in when they started it. I had to alt tab out to end the game. Abort and alt F4 were both disabled. Same thing happened on US88 to me as well.
  13. Larkins

    choking victim

    Server: US87 my timezone: EST date/time: 8/6 between 9pm to 10pm EST server admins: do not know what happened: I was instantly killed along with at least one other person. The other person was teleported and given weapons. The person "Choking Victim" was saying stuff in side chat like do you want this, or how about this. Then they said do you want a tank. The other person (name started with an A) started talking about how he now had a sniper rifle, ghille suit and tools in his inventory and he was a fresh respawn, how did he get them. An admin then banned Choking victim. I have no evidence because I cannot take screenshots in game.
  14. Larkins

    A potential fix for hackers?

    What if everyone pretends the game shut down then they will leave. Good idea?
  15. Larkins

    Why are you complaining?

    Op, complaining about complaining makes sense!
  16. Larkins

    Can't Play - Afraid of Hackers

    I missed being teleported to Thunderdome twice today on 2 different servers. I was loading in when they teleported everyone. Abort was disabled as well as alt F4.
  17. Two separate occasions while loading into servers I get a message on my screen about Thunderdome, see people getting killed immediately quit Day Z both times. I was not effected I guess because I had not fully loaded in. Abort would not work and Alt F4 would not work. Both servers were under 25 people.
  18. Larkins

    Hackers kidnapped me.

    I noticed twice today that abort and alt F4 would not work to escape hackers. I had to alt tab and close the program down.
  19. Happened just like this:
  20. Larkins


  21. Larkins


  22. Larkins

    Small pine trees are Zombie free zones

    Maybe they just don't want sap on them. Or they hate the smell of pine....get some pine scented air fresheners and wear them on your character to avoid zombies!
  23. Larkins

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    I came across a few players with yellow tags and it said unknown. I got the hell outta there cause I thought they were hackers and didn't want to lose my stuff. Couldn't see what they were wearing or had equipped, just saw the names and took off, lol.
  24. Larkins

    Talk about strange luck..

    uh...south...he meant south!
  25. Larkins

    use of cargo planes in Dayz

    I think it would be cool to see smaller single engine planes spawn. Unless a pilot was really good it most likely would only be able to land at the airports. Limited landing spots = easier to capture or destroy. It won't be able to hover over a target and would have no weapons.