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Everything posted by Larkins

  1. Larkins

    stop "trading", noobs

    So I guess I shouldn't ask you if you want to trade then huh?
  2. Larkins

    died because of graphical glitch

    lol....RAGE? It's not in beta it's in alpha. When I get them I look down or away from the glitch and then the secret is to not look back at it.
  3. Larkins

    ITT: I complain

    No you spent #30 on Arma2, this is a bonus!
  4. Larkins

    Overheating issue

    Have you tried a laptop cooling fan? Is your laptop laying flat or is there space for airflow under it?
  5. I have grouped with several younger kids in various games and very rarely have had a problem. So I have to disagree with the OP.
  6. Larkins

    Why 1 type of Helicopter?

    I would like to to be random. Once one is destroyed one of the others would spawn next. Minus the attack copters.
  7. Larkins

    buy high quality fake documents

    Sounds legit! I'm in!
  8. It would be even funnier if you could spawn a vehicle there for him....
  9. Larkins

    For those complainers !

    The next time I die I think I'm gonna just carry a hatchet and run around like a crazy person.
  10. Depends on if you are the fistee, or the fistor.
  11. I hate the thermal, not because I think it's over powered or because I don't have one. I hate it because of the unknown. Is there someone out there watching me as I sneak around? It adds an extra risk to the game. So I hate it, but I also like it because of that. Although I would hate to see too many on a server, that would take the fun out of it.
  12. First tea bagging, and now you want fisting? You really want to humiliate the people you kill huh?
  13. Larkins

    Day Z Guy named jason

    If it's the same guy he has a you tube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/SirExzib
  14. Some of them disable abort and alt +F4 before they start their crap.
  15. Larkins

    You know what is bullshit?

    Shit that comes from bulls is bullshit!
  16. Larkins

    DayZ... im telling on you...

    Yes! We need more room for posts like this!
  17. Larkins

    Would you play Dayz without Zombies?

    DayZ without zombies makes it not DayZ anymore. I could see a version of the same game played as another type of survival game. After a nuclear war, survivors trying to make it. Perhaps make them slowly lose blood due to the radiation and they need to keep taking meds to stay alive.
  18. Larkins

    Dear Hackers,

    Great video!
  19. I know some people who cannot play in 1st person, it makes them sick.
  20. Larkins

    us 810 asshole admin

    Yes, he scheduled it the moment he died.
  21. Larkins

    [Contest] Mmm dat hackers!

    You were saved by the government and taken to an underground bunker full of beans and Mt Dew!
  22. Turn the meat into jerky. Problem solved!
  23. I have a son that plays also. Luckily for me we both have roughly the same play style. My daughter wants to try it out, and she's never really PvPed before so we will see how that goes, lol. Forgot to add, you could supply cover for your ax wielding son. Setup outside of towns and scout, or sniper for him. Since he doesn't seem to care about getting killed, see if he wants to be bait. Let him go in first to agro zombies or attract bandits attention. Or if you want to be a bandit use him to lure people to a spot that you have a good shot on.
  24. Larkins

    How to lose a chopper

    Note to self. Do not land on trees. Good to know.