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About nofy12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. nofy12

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    the creators are still making it its still a mod not even in beta just a mod im just giving my opinion as a person who spends a lot of money on games and tell my friends and they get the game but if they want to sell more copies they mite make a little more player friendly i bot the game for dayz never cared a bout arma and now i cant get my friends to play so i guess it mite be time for a new game
  2. nofy12

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    i don't have all day to dick off i work 40 to 60 hr and have two kids so my time may be a bit more limited then yours and all my friends have about as much time to play as i do u will see when u grow up
  3. nofy12

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    is the only reasonable way to find friends sorry if u don't have any
  4. nofy12

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    respawn/suicide is repuired needs to be fixed