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Everything posted by micdawg12

  1. micdawg12

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    Well, Nofy and I actually play together. The problem is that we both have full time jobs, kids, and wives that like to have their husbands at bed time, if you know what I mean. So we get 2-3 hours max to play each night. We like to play with our group. We don't gank, we just try to have a good time with each other. We don't respawn hundreds of times, the most we have ever had to respawn was 3 times. That's it. We just want to be able to get into the game, play with each other a couple hours, and log out. No drama, no running around 2-3 hours trying to find each other when we die, we just want to play a game with our friends.
  2. micdawg12

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    Nice. So that works for the people who are turned into cows, thrown off the map, or starts on the very edge of the map so they have to run 30 minutes to get to a zombie? I was started on the EDGE of the map. I have been running 20+ minutes just to find a zombie to kill me, and guess what? Now I have to get off to work. It took me an hour to find a server I could actually spawn on without getting stuck at loading, and now this. YAY DAYZ!
  3. micdawg12

    Respawn / Suicide is Required

    Agreed. I'm done with this mod and game. I have a group of 4 people, we are all new. We try to respawn until we are at least a decent distance away ( quarter of the map away ). Now we spawn all the way across the map from each other and we don't have time to play 3-4 hours to group up, and THEN try to start the actual game. We all have full time jobs and families and don't have the time to invest into this game without the respawn button. So, bye guys! Nice playing with you all. I hope WarZ does it right, because this is BS.