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Everything posted by Meppo

  1. Meppo


    no its a bus that i crashed yesterday, now its sideways blocking the road (tru story)
  2. Meppo


    it just adds so much to the game when rmod is installed, i recommend that everyone would atleast try it out (and get hooked)
  3. Meppo


    had really fun the other day on this server even tho i just quikly logged in for a short time, logged in at own campsite and hear shortly afterwards some of my buddies flying over me coming in for a offload after finding crashed ac-130 wreckages. Even found one of wreckage myself!
  4. Meppo


    Could you add me to the whitelist In-Game Name: Meppo GUID: 905a6f6408450a8324788aabe235feea after beeing logged in on the server for some hours i just got a few things to say. I am looking forward to seeing even moore players on the server :) and the servers is as laggfree as day-z gets.
  5. Degradable weapon parts. all weapons that are found in the game have been fought with to the death or been laying at the mercy of the weather outside so i would suggest that finding a fully funktional weapon should be extremly rare, when you find a gun it would have a fraktured stock, broken/bent barrel or jammed firing mechanism, or broken/worn out firing pin. Say if you found a M4 thats missing a firing pin and you would have found earlyer another M4 that you would have scavenged for intakt parts (one of these parts beeing a firing pin) you would be able to repair the other M4 by installing the missing part, However as it would be extremly hard to get a working gun as it would need you to find multiple weapons of the same kind i propose the following thing: Say you would find a m16 or hk416 instead of a m4, parts are fairly similar but might require a littel tweaking so add a gunsmits building with stationary manuals and workbences and tools(you could see these items moore like movie props to make it feel moore realistick that a random survivor is able to fix military grade weapons or civilian guns) into cities where there player is able to adjust a part to fit into another gun this at the cost of the modded part not beeing as good as a original part, another possibility create a npc that makes these modificatons to the player. Also this would give the player a possibility of creating any gun they would like, ie AK fire mechanism with a svd barrel creating a hybridgun thats accuracy would be greater then that of a ak and its reliability similar of an ak, taking the best parts of both combined weapons, to this weapon you could add a silencer that would be found in different calibers, .22 .9mm 556, etc. then you could find say a bipod from a random loot or another gun and then you would start to have a silenced battlerifle w/snipersight&bipod&silencer with great reliability due to the mechanism of the ak. Also you could make a gun with the caliber 556 (for zombi killin')and make a switch barrel ex: 7,62x54R (for bandit spankin') that goes onto the same weapon stock, then the player would be able to use two kinds of ammunition instead of one and as a single barrel weights less and takes less room then a entire gun it would be moore appealing to carrry around a second barrel that could be switched out. Again this would make it possible to reduce ammunition spawns as you can use moore kinds of ammo.
  6. just one thing comes to mind i still haven't seen anyone post, Dirt tracks and dirt roads should be formed moore or less permanently if players take the same route many times. -----> Players with big camps cannot keep them well hidden as tracks would start to form in the direction of their tents.
  7. Meppo

    DayZ for Xbox 360 !!!!!

    if i could punch him in the face i would. multiple times
  8. Meppo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    OliverD1995 saved me from my broken bones and diminishing blood situation, and did it really fast too! he is trustworthy
  9. Meppo

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i got broken bones after my buddy slamed the door while my pinky toe was at the door causing my poor little toe to snapp clean off.. ~1300blood and im bleeding out south of kozlovka, in dire need of help