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About jone4s

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  1. jone4s

    There needs to be more bikes

    Excellent.. exactly these types...good idea with the racing bike. i would say there should be at least 2 - 3 bikes in each village (which is still very few compared to reality)
  2. jone4s

    There needs to be more bikes

    i posted it somewhere else: add more bikes.. almost every normal household has a bicycle.. And: make the bicycles so, that you can barely use them in field/make them almost useless outside from roads (slowly and/or uncontrollable). Make them so that they can be almost used only on roads.. This will give the player advantage on the one hand (faster travel), but on the other hand players are easy detectable then by other players and zombies when they are forced to use the bikes on roads only.. If anyone has tried to drive with a normal bike over field, they know that its very hard...
  3. thats also my opinion: it should be possible to drink from a pond without a canteen.. to balance this, the developers can make the drinks in the game more rare..
  4. jone4s

    Remove high-end weapons

    That would be cool maybe. They should make a mod like this, the players have only bongos and tambourines, dancing together and throwing colored smoke grenades.. Besides, i also would like to see high end weapons/sniper rifles reduced.. maybe only 1 or 2 per map
  5. jone4s

    Another frozen island, another gameplay

    I like it somehow... it will be like in the movie The Thing.. the cold will be also your enemy then.. very cool.. alcohol will also have a reason then, if it is finally implemented.. but it should be possible to survive with very warm clothes outside then.. All in all its a good idea for a standalone version...
  6. jone4s

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    i have been in forrests when i was in the army... it was pitch black.. you couldnt barely see the ground before your feet. it was hard not to stumble over something. but maybe i m nightblind..
  7. jone4s

    Sixth Sense

    I've posted a suggestion in the ''dog suggestion'' thread: As rocket is planning to implement dogs (german shepards i think), i suggested to give them the ability to sniff out bandits and/or snipers, showing the player where they hide. Or make them barking when some bandit is close/aiming at you, warning the player through barking towards the enemy snipers direction, indicating the player where they are. This would be a more realistic solution, so no need for a ''sixth sense''.
  8. jone4s

    gas more rare and cars more common!

    I absolutely second that! Make fuel rarer and add more vehicles (wether destroyed or intact). Like it is now, its pretty unrealistic, that there are so less (repairable) cars throughout whole chernarus. What happened to all the carwrecks we see throughout the country? The virus outbreak cant be happened so long ago (the zombies have still intact clothing) that almost all the cars are rusted to death and crumbled... Also: when i walk trough a village, i dont see a bike anywhere.. think of real life: there are bikes in almost every single household... in the garden or somewhere else.. i highly doubt, that bicycles dissappeared into thin air because of the zombie virus outbreak, or that the whole population which made it out, evacuated themself on bicycles. make the game more realistic and add bikes and more repairable cars in every village.. and make gas very rare... like in Mad Max... It will give the game a mad max feeling. The players will fight for gas then at the gas stations. i like the idea of the original poster very much! thumbs up!
  9. jone4s

    Dog Suggestion

    Would be also cool if dogs can sniff out bandits and/or snipers, showing survivors where they hide...
  10. jone4s

    Strip cars for parts

    I totally second that! This, and generally more spawns of repairable vehicles in the game at logical places (such as gas stations, etc.). I've played the game for a week now, but the only vehicle i've encountered so far, was a damaged motorbike and a damaged bus. Would be more logical when there are more vehicles. In turn it could be made a little bit more harder to repair them.
  11. jone4s


    I totally agree with you guys! Make military weapons extremely rare and precious.. I would make it very drastically, lets say only 2 or 3 sniper rifles at all can be found on the whole map/chernarus. Anti material gun only 1. M16 and such weapons only 5 - 8 on the whole map. AK's should be more common. And then mostly hunting rifles, pistols, and such... That would make the game way more realistic. And it would make it more special to own such a weapon.
  12. I totally second that idea.. i m a new forum member (playing dayz for 3 days or so), and i wanted to make an exactly same thread.. until i found this here.. I even wish for opening and closing animations for the trashcans. It would make the game and environment so much richer. @lastshenaningan: people throw any sort of things away: in earthbound you sometimes found eatable hamburgers in trashcans, in system shock 2 you found sometimes cola cans and ammo besides other things : ) some ppl here suggested to introduce notes into the game, such things could then be found in trashcans.. or soda cans, some still eatable stuff (the things could have been thrown away just before the apocalypse started). List of items whose appearance in trashcans would be more or less sensible/logical: - matches - clock (still functioning or destroyed - that would be another cool feature in dayz, that equipment things can be damaged and repaired, but thats another topic..) - backpacks (yes, some people may throw such things mindlessy away) - wood - metal scrap - clothing - canteens - heatpack - bandages - medicines (but extremely rare) - empty trashcans (not so rare) thx