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Everything posted by Gumpnstein

  1. Gumpnstein

    Dayz Easter Egg Trpaslik

  2. Gumpnstein

    Dayz Easter Egg Trpaslik

    Anyone see anything outside of this since the posted date
  3. Gumpnstein

    Worst Hacker/Scripter Ever!!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTgFcWuzEIM&list=UUErnHpoBRtK3duzwvJbqzqQ&index=1&feature=plcp I decide to stand up against a hacker who just killed the entire server.
  4. Gumpnstein

    Dayz Easter Egg Trpaslik

    Well if ya watch the first two you would notice that I sum up the bushes in that, and then i say, if u wanna watch us look for a dwarf then watch the rest...sorry you didn't make it that far into the vid, it was right after the play button..
  5. Gumpnstein

    Dayz Easter Egg Trpaslik

    I got one mountain dew, lol...don't make me do this..
  6. I have long been a fan of Seananners. He has been one of the finest Youtubers in any genre in the quality of his videos, commentaries, and how he handles himself within the business of Youtube. He has done wonderful things for many games, for example minecraft, in which he helped it explode onto the scene. He perhaps better than anyone has avoided large goof ups that cause problems for any gaming community that I can think of. 99% of his work is a contribution to the gaming community for that matter. With that said, His latest video of playing with a hacker and flying a scripted helicopter could not come at a worse time for the Dayz community. Right when the community is speaking out as a whole on the issue, and Battleye is at least attempting to make strides against these hack/script kitties, as Dayz Devs are working with server hosts to stop this stuff, he uploads a video that encourages more people to attempt to do so. (Just read the comments on the video of how excited his subs are to see him fly a hacked heli). As a community I believe everyone who has put their time into testing this game and wishes for it to succeed should should visit this video and let him know that you want to see it removed. And send a message to people who hack and script, that this community is tired of the shit and we don't condone anyone who initiates the cheating or those who encourage it or partake in it as it is destroying the ability to play this game and help move it forward. I seriously believe the way to overcome those who are buying hacks is to win the battle of the minds in which it is deemed unpopular to be one of these people. Make them feel like outcasts and play with the fear of being banned every time they log on. Battleye is posting messages now over servers in an effort to swing the momentum of these hackers and swing this game back into the hands of the regular players. His video does nothing but push against any of that momentum that has been made in the past week. A Supporter of a Hack Free Dayz, Gumpnstein
  7. Gumpnstein

    Seananners Posts Video Playing With A Scripter

    Yeah, it's more the making of the video and uploading it than it is the messing with the scripter for a few minutes...it's the emotion and reactions conveyed that these kids get to see instead of the 5 servers of hundreds of players left shaking their heads after the entire server is destroyed
  8. Gumpnstein

    Seananners Posts Video Playing With A Scripter

    This is not a youtuber. It is Seananners and he has 1 million subs. He can make cause tidal waves through a gaming community with his amount of influence. There is responsibility with that and he usually does well handling that better than anyone. This is one 20 minute video. I'm sure he has deleted 20 hours of Dayz gameplay. It's very easy to skip one little video that spreads the wrong word to a community infested with scriptors already.
  9. Need I say more. Hacking. Everyday all day hacking. Out of every game in the world that I have played in the last 15 years of gaming this is the one game that Hacking ruins to the point that it can end the game. It is by far heads and above not even in the same league even with any other problem with the game. If this is not where all and I mean ALL resources in moving this mod forward are focused then you and we all are wasting our time testing, playing, developing, or giving a tiny spec of flea shit about this game. Noone should post another thing about another problem, a video about anything but, and talk about nothing but Hacking until it can at least be brought to a somewhat acceptable level of control. And for the so called "hackers", who are really pitiful lame ass losers who are buying the hacks or getting the hacks from REAL HACKERS... If you want to destroy this game then keep logging in and teleporting people, send them to thunderdome, spawn in your robots, spawn in your helis, drop nuclear weapons, and you will all be playing alone by yourself and will be regreting the day that you destroyed the will of people to play this mod. It is ALL that you are doing. This is not BF3 or COD where a hack pisses a guy off and he dies a few times. This is a game ending thing that makes people lose the will to even bother trying to develop a character and it WILL END DAYZ the mod and the stand alone game. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and hack a game that people will play despite hacks. For Dayz is not a game that can handle a hacker problem. And if you want to destroy an entire mod and empty it's servers then I just shake my head at what a lifeless life you must have.
  10. Thedevildoggamer's camp was blown up last night and a hacker said that he did it for me. I end up getting this guy to talk to me about hacking in Dayz. It is as bad as you can imagine. A must watch/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2y_nG7Q7cQ&list=UUErnHpoBRtK3duzwvJbqzqQ&index=1&feature=plcp
  11. Gumpnstein

    Conversation With ***er Must Watch

    Thanks, I hoped that this would benefit the community to be honest.
  12. Gumpnstein

    Conversation With ***er Must Watch

    Thank you. These people are getting so old...
  13. Gumpnstein

    Price of Youtube Fame

    If you go look at forum topics, anyone who says anything about the mod or hacking pretty much gets yelled at by the same dudes who sit in here and type all day dude. Every post I have made has gotten this kind of crap man. Some of the same guys that are on here are the ones who commented on mine. Maybe they are Dayz devs response team. lol
  14. Gumpnstein

    Price of Youtube Fame

    Yeah we could all just goof off all day on the game. I mean that way nothing ever gets tested. Who the hell do you think are the people that find the bugs within the game? Noobs camping cherno sniping people with an AS50 or the people who have put it all into the mod to play it seriously. I think it has been stated enough times that comments like yours are just spam at this point. Everyone who plays the mod no matter what level they play it on are testing and the one people who have been ignored and get spouted at are the ones who have tested it the most. Meanwhile devs listen to the noobs who have 30 hours played in Cherno, killing zombies and goofing off about how to fix the game. Sums up the entire problem actually right there.
  15. It's 5 days after the projected time of releasing a patch. Thumb up an arss? Well it sure isn't on a keyboard letting people know what is going on....
  16. Gumpnstein

    Building Huey Release

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MROhqkHMfY Part 14 of Survive or Die Tryin we attempt to repair a huey one day after release on one of our communities servers.
  17. Gumpnstein

    Building Huey Release

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MROhqkHMfY Part 14 of Survive or Die Tryin we attempt to repair a huey one day after release on one of our communities servers.
  18. Gumpnstein

    Hackers is taking over DayZ

    Yeah, let's bump all 100 of them so the message gets across that people are quitting the game!!!
  19. Gumpnstein

    Hacking seriously out of control

    Bump every hacker post in the thread...It is all we should be focused on...Screw the graphical glitches and other stuff. We need some sort of protection against hacks. I mean my God they posted hacks inside the damn Wiki...How the Fu^^ can they not stop them when they are telling you how they are doing them!
  20. Ive got three videos this week from hackers. Nukes, teleportation, vehicle spawns, robot spawns, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc....I'd believe anyone who said they got hacked right now...
  21. Gumpnstein

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Do you realize that you don't even control your own mod anymore? HACKERS RUN DAYZ> When you gonna take your mod back?
  22. The thing I am wondering after being Nuked this week is WTF does battleye do? I have had robots attack me, I have been teleported, I have seen hacked helis, hacked vehicles, I have seen the entire server be sent to Thunderdome, I have seen the entire server lifted into the air and I have seen a nuclear bomb explode. If you can set off nukes WTF does battleye actually stop you from doing? It's like turn the shit off and it doens't even affect anything lol
  23. Like I said, every single topic point or spoken word of Dayz should be about hackers right now....I have refused to play in two dayz now after being hacked for the third time this week. The last being in a Huey. It is pointless to play this game right now unless you just screw off in cherno and don't waste time building a character. It is a 100% gurantee that if you build a character right now he WILL die from a hacker if you continue to play. 100%
  24. Well then post 100,000 more. Cause 1000's obviously isn't enough to even get a response from someone on the issue