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Posts posted by durkadurka

  1. I switched server to US 366 after dying in Chernogorsk, spawned at Prigorodky. Saw fire in the sky and heard a chopper, was about to run away from the main road when I saw a UAZ. Jumped in it and drove away.

    Got to Mogilevka when I was suddenly..... ejected? from my vehicle. The UAZ rolled down the hill and now my character thinks he is driving, but the game doesn't. I can't scroll to eject/get out, I can't move, I cant stand up and obviously I can't respawn seeing as you've removed that function.

    What do I do?



  2. I believe choppers were not spawning anymore, but if not crashed - you could still have them from 1.7.1.x versions.

    I might be wrong there though.

    hmm... our first thoughts were that seeing as it was a clan server (LDW) the most likely scenario would be that a clan member took the chopper out, to have a bit of fun, use it as bait (there were around 4-5 dead bodies around it before we managed to jack it) then when we hopped in it and flew away, he logged off in a rage, one of his other clan mates came on, logged in at their camp/safe spot, tried to find the chopper... 'oh no, where is it? i'll just reset the server..' but anything could have happened...

  3. Whilst driving a ural a few days ago (my mate and I have never found a land vehicle before this) the admin decided to restart the server without any warning... We logged back in and were not in the vehicle, about 200m away from each other. We looked around in the area, even trekked back up to the last spot we saved it, to no avail. We figured sure... shit happens. Logged out where the vehicle should have respawned (last save point) and it never did, after multiple server restarts.

    Yesterday, we tricked a guy who was using his chopper as bait (different server to where we found the ural), managed to steal it and fly off with it. A little later, again... the admin decides to restart the server without any warning. We log back in, in totally random locations, around 2KM away from each other. We then trekked back to where we last saved the chopper, again, not there, again, waited for another server restart or 2 and it never came back to us.

    Are server admins resetting their servers to previous 'save points' or are these vehicles just disappearing into limbo because we were driving in them at the point of restart?

    In any case, it would be great if there were standards which server admins were held to.

    For starters, naming and tagging their servers with 3DP, CH in a universal format is a must. We spend so much time looking for servers because the admins can name it whatever they like and searching for specific settings is incredibly time consuming.

    Secondly, all servers need to have warning messages when they're about to restart. Seriously. If we had 30 seconds warning and we would have jumped out/landed our vehicle, saved it and everything would be fine.
