I think the reason for the default action being to simply shoot first and ask questions later is simply because the game does not really have enough incentive for working together. After all, whats the point working together for better gear when you can just take it from them. Having for example small pockets of military NPC survivors with weapons would certainly spice things up given once the AI knows you're there, its generally deadly accurate with its shots (regular Arma 2 veteran here). Would incentivise players to work together to eliminate the camps and grab their gear.Having player constructed camps or bases could also help? Go a step further and allow for a small number of friendly NPC's to guard your camp/base but you'd have to equip them first before they could be of any use (thus go and find more gear). It would lead to a greater diversity in PvP encounters as well I think. But those are just some random thoughts, I love the game how it is presently. Only game to give me a rush with PvP outside of EVE Online and thats what keeps me coming back. I can forgive Arma 2 its faults because of its general gameplay. I go in knowing exactly what I will get from playing it which is an entirely different FPS experience alltogether =)