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Everything posted by barrance

  1. Yeah aslong as they are! Been posting in a few threads about this and its only people with the problem posting in them so far, no ones got any ideas for a solution! Dont think ive heard of it resolving for anyone either. Simply seems to be a select few people have the same problem that means they cant play in any way. But others can! Just seems like quite a major bug to me! Would love anyones input on it. Just dont understand why it would be some and not others. Strange... Hope someone with a brain better than mine spots our cries :D
  2. barrance

    Stuck "Loading" After

    anyone got any advice for this? Ive tried absoloutely everything I can think of now. 5 hours twiddling and still not one second spent in an actual game since update. And was working so well! Awww...
  3. barrance

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Update, I have managed to get through to "server responded, creating character" on UK4. Bit of news I thought...
  4. well yeah for real, worth mentioning though else it shant be noticed! Also strange that lots of people are fine. Was just speaking to a mate of mine down the road who has working fine. Seems odd!
  5. barrance

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    So, it seems that very few people are experiencing the same problem as me? Have been running dayz since 1.5.6 I believe. That worked fine, as did 1.5.7. 1.5.8 was alright until where I had the standard fps issue. But now since upgrading mod files to I cannot get into any servers. The first time I tried it I think the mod hadnt been rolled out fully yet, and I loaded into a server by accident. And that fucked stuff up good. Spawn was completely messed up, was on the right rooftop for a second, the glitched to this picture of like 8 peoples heads just popping out of some water, then it went back to the rooftop I was on but I was just looking at my character standing still in 3rd person (not normal 3rd person though, I could move the camera completely seperately to the model of myself) and yeah, then the warning came up abotu having the wrong version Ever since then, any server I try (have tried a good 15-20 now) does the same thing. Connects as it has done up till now well, then when it goes through the requesting character data/getting player ID and comes to the "Loading" screen where the server chat disappears for a few seconds, I get stuck there. Unable to press esc and back out, and it really will not get any further. In the end I have to alt-tab out every time and close arma in task manager. Pretty big bug really considering that up until it worked like an absoloute charm, then had the fps issue, and now...big things lol Would love to hear anyones feedback on this, as it obviously means I (and quite a few others) cannot get into the game at all, but yet to hear any input from someone who might understand this stuff a bit better than us. I have reinstalled all mod files from the torrent I am using the free version of arma where you need to copy across the folder "Addons" from the Arma free folder into the OA main folder. And I have deleted this folder and copied it across again. And I have done "Verify integrity of game cache" with OA. It said it found one file that it was going to replace, and when I went to my downloads bit it said it had downloaded 1 a 1.4kb file. Just to let you know! Other than that, im running Arma free and OA both installed/downloaded through steam. Cheers!
  6. oh and just for further information, the mod ran absoloutely fine at 1.5.7, and1.5.8.3 (just with fps issue) but yeah, no luck on at all. Possibly worth mentioning as well, when I first tried i accidentaly went on a server. The spawn was incredibly buggy, with me appearing in some water with other people at some point then jerking around to the rooftop where I was before (except no character image) and couldnt move around etc. Basically very fucked (before the alert came up saying i was running the wrong update) then yeah, stuck at Loading since then. Trying ALOT of servers too!! A couple of times it has gotten past the Loading screen, but its then gotten stuck at the classic waiting for server response (that i gave a long time)
  7. Exactly the same problem as the man above me here. Cant get past the "Loading" screen since upgrading to Tried alot of servers, reinstalled all the mod files from the torrent, and still the same thing. Also did the Verifying game Cache (or something similar) in properties in steam, it found one 1.4kb file that it replaced I think.
  8. barrance

    Stuck "Loading" After

    Exactly the same here. From the moment i downloaded ive gotten stuck at the final "Loading" screen every time. Cant press esc and back out either, have to alt-tab then close arma in task manager
  9. barrance

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    ive given up for the night, ive tried reinstalling mod but its the same, every time i get to the final "Loading" screen where the chat disappears, and it crashes/freezes there. Have to alt tab out and close it in task manager. Sure youll get it sorted soon enough! Cheers.
  10. Since i cant get into servers. Have redownloaded mod files, and i still everytime get stuck at the final "Loading" screen (where the chat disappears) and it crashes there. Have tried alot of servers too, all over the world. Anyone else getting this? Cant seem to see anyone talking about it!
  11. barrance

    1.58 lag

    Had it running on 1280x1024 before, on mostly high settings. Now ive dropped it down to 1024x768 and very low settings and im about the same fps i was before. Maybe a bit less. Still playable, im not too fussed about graphics, but somethings definitely not quite right.
  12. I mean, I know this is just the unfortunate downside of this mod blowing up out of all conceivable size in such a short amount of time, but seriously...how are people getting into servers? There are just any remotely near me that arent 100% full all the time! Im now at the point of just choosing one, and clicking join over and over hoping that if someone does get killed ill get to get in and take their place, but been an hour now with no luck. Am I missing something here??
  13. barrance

    Changing frame rate

    One thing, yeah I cleaned my computer out about a month ago. But only cos it had literally ground to a halt after years of not being cleaned. Heavily smoking househould too. I couldnt even see the metal grill underneath the fan on the processor, it was about half a cm thick in solid dust/tar. Was fucking disgusting. Cleaned it all out since, but im guessing i might have fucked it in the mean time. Is it not just one thing then? E7300 dual core 2.7ghz 8800GTS 2gb ram Is it just all too shit? Thought the graphics card might be the bottleneck... ooh, ive just downloaded gamebooster, and one thing that has stuck out to me is the temperature of my graphics card!! Even while just on the internet its sitting at 82 degrees C. Is that not ridiculous?
  14. barrance

    Changing frame rate

    waaaaahh. Trouble is, the only reason i need to at all is this game lol Dont play aaaanything else, except for a bit of couterstrike now and again. And that needs fuck all in the computer department lol Makes for quite a heavy investment for an alpha version of a mod lol And im guessing you would mean a new computer from scratch by the way? Not worth/possible to just whip out the old graphics card and in with a new one? Hmm, anyone got any good links to websites where I can build budget gaming pcs? Dont need anything fancy aaaat all. If i can run dayz in 1024x768, normal settings with a small draw distance im perfectly happy! No real need for me to spend that much on a computer i dont think! Oh, and you dont think just spending 50/60 quid on a reasonable graphics card will make this playable?
  15. barrance

    Changing frame rate

    the cpu is a E7300 2.7ghz Is that just totally wasteman these days? I swear I fall behind far too quickly... But yeah, no matter how high or low i have the settings, it will run fine at first, then after a minute or two there will be some graphical bugs and then the framerate drops to maybe 1/2 fps
  16. Im not sure if its just my end, but ive been trying to connect to servers for a while now and failing (have played before, it does all work) I get stuck at the final loading part when connected to the server. Only reason I ask is that i can read people in the chat, and theyve been generally discussing how they cant get in either. Seem to just be waiting for the servers to come back. Is this true? Not pissed off or anything, just wondering if I should just come back in a few hours? Oh...and while im here, what do i have to press to type in the chat? lol
  17. barrance

    More than just me?

    sound, i figured as much. Just seeing other complaining about the servers not working made me all suspicious. Had the same problem in 4/5 servers now. Meh ill keep on trying! Aslong as people somehwere are able to play? lol
  18. barrance

    More than just me?

    ...say what? lol Tad confused. Restart shit? Computer? Router? Je suis...confused
  19. Simple question I know, but when I first started to try and get this working I was following a guide that said that all you need is the Arma II free demo, and then the operation arrowhead expansion on top of it. I downloaded both from steam, then followed all other instructions but still cant get past the classic "You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.chernarus" When I originally installed all the mod files into the wrong location I got the classic full error of the same thing but then a list of the mod files I was missing. After sorting this out I get the shorted version of the error with only ".chernarus" at the end. I havent been lead down the wrong path have I? Am getting the feeling that the free demo version hasnt installed the actual chernarus map file or something similar. If so, the misleading installation guide I followed ruined me! Do I definitely need the full version of Arma II? Cos I was originally under the impression that the demo + expansion would do it! Please, please tell me this is true! As while I can afford it, I actually dont know if ive got the bandwidth allowance left to download another 8gb or so file from steam!
  20. barrance

    Can you run DayZ with Arma Free?

    Amazing, thanks to all for the help. For anyone else in the future it turns out that what you need to do is copy the "Addons" folder from the Arma Free folder into the main folder of OA. Then copy the mod files from the DayZ folder into this addons folder, and voila! Im in :D Awesome, cheers for the help guys. Not actually going to play, im off to bed as ive got work in 6 hours, but awesome...so glad I know ive got this working Legends!
  21. barrance

    Can you run DayZ with Arma Free?

    Phew, at least im not going to have wait another 24 hours for an 8gb file to download at 100kbps :D Any ideas on where it is? Getting my google on for it now but no luck so far...
  22. Alrighty, when I first tried to get this to work I created the @DayZ/Addons folder in the wrong location, and when I tried to join a server I got the classic "You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip etc." I then realised I had unpacked the rar contents into the wrong place, and corrected this and installed them in the steam/steamapps/common/arrowhead folder. I now get the same error message, but now it doesnt have the list of files that im missing. It simply says You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted' I cannot for the life of me figure out why! I have the 1.6 version of arrowhead, I am running steam as administrator, I am launching the game as combined ops, I have run the mod from the launch code (the @dayz symbol thing appears on the main screen when I get into the game), I have installed everything from the armamods/dayz us server into the Addons folder (without any subfolders) and I still get this message. Im sorry to do this, I would post here if I hadnt exhausted all the options I can think of, but I really am at my wits end now. Totally stumped. Any help massively appreciated!
  23. barrance

    Can you run DayZ with Arma Free?

    Youre shitting me? :( Ahh thats absoloutely gutting. The guide I started using was alllll kinds of fail...euuugh So i definitely need the full version of Arma 2? This is going to utterly destroy my bandwidth this month lol @ArousedNinja, I have Arma 2: Free, and operation arrowhead. Is this a winning combination? Or do I need to spend me another 15 quid?
  24. barrance

    Hopefully a typical problem...

    Will do, thanks for taking the time to help. Quick further question though, I see different files to download on the US/SWE mirrors? I used the files on the US one last time (dated 15 may @ 06:14) with a total of 7 .rars Is this the right stuff? Oh, and I dont appear to have the file you recommended I delete! All it contains is 2 folders called "players" and "squads" and a file called ARMA2OA.rpt hmm!
  25. barrance


    Now, im not going to trouble you with troubleshooting my situation as a whole, as im guessing that happens alot...like, alot lol But basically, after following various guides very closely, the only thing that I can currently see thats different between what I have done and the guides, is that the default folder it refers to for the installation of the mod files is within "program files (x86)" or something along those lines. Whereas my program files folder doesnt have the x86 in brackets at the end. Just want a quick peace of mind (as i assume it doesnt mean anything) that this isnt anything to do with the problems im having? Hope this is as simple as I think it is :D