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About barrance

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  1. barrance

    Top 10 DayZ mod maps?

    Our crew only really play origins anymore, its mostly out of performance though! 3 of us have seeeeriously low end computers, and barely struggle to play normally. Origins though is running way better, getting 20-30 fps even in towns...which compared to 10-15 in chernarus is enough to keep us there really. Not over sold on origins on the whole though other than that. Are there any other mods which run notably well?
  2. Ill be live on www.sub.fm 7-9pm GMT tonight if you fancied a listen! Will be totally out of context, but happy to pretend the apocalypse is here for a show lol Could be fun actually, going to confuse the hell out of the airwaves...
  3. How is this meant to work by the way? Like, how would you stream to the servers? Ive been running a radio show from my house for the last 5 years. 7-9pm GMT every saturday I stream 2 hours of house and techno at sub.fm ...wondering if that could be linked up somehow I got that post apocalyptic radio patter DOWN as well
  4. Stop arguing with the idiot lol In this world there are shit people, and there are good people. Shit people will run shit servers. Good people will run good servers. Play the good servers.
  5. barrance

    Run Speed Variance?

    Our crew can definitely confirm at least some presence of speed change dependant on performance. We have maaany times been confused by say someone with a pistol sprint running being overtaken with ease by another of us running normally with a sniper in hand or something like that. Have tried many combinations and have never managed to work out a definitive answer. But we almost always have speed differences, and we all have veeeeery different computers. Ranging from i7s with dappa graphics cards down to dual core laptops with no seperate graphics card.
  6. barrance

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Booooyaaaahhh... now to wait for some servers!
  7. barrance

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh!!
  8. Wow, are you actually 10? Not in a judging way, but thats crazy!! Like...I honestly didnt think 10 year olds could work computers let alone install dayz...jeeeeeez times are changing
  9. barrance


    Jeeeeeus, what has happened to music...
  10. barrance

    No more 50 cals!

    Butt hurt!
  11. barrance

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Adventure conslutants sounds fecking filthy... Glad rockets not missing any of those typing fingers! :)
  12. barrance

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Over the moon by the removal of the .50s! Snipers are so clearly head and shoulders above every other weapon type, it makes perfect sence to remove the absoloutely top end of them. 1 hit killing doesn't make snipers any more fun for anyone. If you dont think having a DMR is enough of a good find... This update is looking to be utterly amazing!
  13. barrance

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    No, there wont. There will be a lot of very satisfied customers, and the odd whining child. Its been like, less than a year since the standalone got announced and people are getting impatient lol! How quickly do people expect this thing to be turned around??? Screw it. Lets hope they just re-release the mod. Throw in some dogs and a new type of helicopter with rocket launchers and get it out in the next week. Thats DEFINITELY whats important...not the fact they're on the verge of (as long as they dont mess it up by rushing it) creating the greatest piece of computer entertainment ever concieved
  14. Play some new maps if you havent already! I played chernarus for a good 9/10 months before trying any other maps, as as soon as I did I totally recaptured the majority of that feeling! Maybe a little less excited to find a lee enfield, but walking around somewhere you dont know at all with no map or guns definitely brings a "shit the bed" feeling back! Ive now been playing taviana for a good month or two, and am only just beginning to get a bit jaded by it in the same way. ...next stop lingor!
  15. barrance

    The "DayZ" Feel

    I realised when i first started playing that the joy was in not knowing wtf was going on. So i never let myself look at a map i hadnt found in game, never looked on the internet for any information and just learnt it slowly. Have been playing for a year now though so yeah chernarus has gotten too familiar. But ive just started playing some other maps in the last couple months and again doing the same thing, it does feel surprisingly fresh! Have only really played taviana for a couple months now and i only just feel like im getting too familiar. Not googling is the way!