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Everything posted by Flicshot

  1. Flicshot

    Server's down?

    i wish there were ETA's on downtime but whatever its alpha and nothing to do with dayz
  2. Flicshot

    Fun with Scripting

    im okay with it for now only anti hacker protection we have
  3. Flicshot

    US 875

    go look weirdest thing ever in this server go to cherno that is if u dont get kicked by admin abusers
  4. i have 4 they work just fine, mine were in a tent tho
  5. what time are your scheduled resets? the server has been reset twice in the hour without warning
  6. Flicshot

    DayZ Public TeamSpeak (512 slots)

    cool now i can chat with my buddys
  7. i own a ar-15 and so it's not that impractical buddy
  8. Flicshot

    Green mountain...

    thats where my camp is
  9. Flicshot

    US195 GRID: 016028

    douchebag is the new cool guys
  10. Flicshot

    Going far up north, whats the point?

    you are wrong and you are lying, quit it.
  11. Flicshot

    36 murders....and counting....

    cause u felt the need to brag about ur douchieness
  12. Flicshot

    Hiding Vehicles?

    go to the coast cherno has lots of camps
  13. Flicshot

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    Can't wait till all thats left are fucking makroves
  14. Flicshot

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    Stry u mad u never had one
  15. Flicshot

    dayz players are racist

    Really? Really?
  16. Flicshot

    All My Gear Dissapeared

    U hacked the geer or it was hacked
  17. Flicshot

    L85 needs to be changed

    The gun is op to make life hard for noobs like you
  18. Flicshot

    L85 needs to be changed

    Not op at all it's a good overwatch gun but that's it. If you feel it's op get one yourself
  19. Flicshot

    Got NVGs, now what?!

    Wait till night you will haves huge advantage over people without night vision when it's darkest try going for the hospital on the NW part of cherno
  20. 8-12 days usually I really don't know how tho since I hang around the airfield
  21. Flicshot

    An Actual in game Day Z

    Everyone would just sit next to a water source and cook meet all day