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About -A2L-Jono

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  1. If this happened in real life and I saw someone else that was armed that I didn't want to be with, I would see it as an opportunity to get more supplies and to eliminate the chance of being shot in the back.
  2. I haven't seen that at all. I have grouped up with many people. Even if it goes against my trusting and it worked fine. I wasn't betrayed or anything. There is nothing they could do to the PvP that would improve the game. It would just make it worse, just like having bandits did.
  3. Everyone needs to realize that you are going to get killed a lot. You say you like to group up. Let's say if this happened in real life, not everyone is going to like that. There would be a lot of paranoia. I for one don't trust anyone unless I knew them prior. You need to get it through your head that not everyone wants to group up. There are no problems with the PvP system, people just need to stop being so trusting.
  4. Me and my friend have a vehicle, but can not get in at the same time because we are both bandits and it shows that we are enemies. Is this going to be fixed in the next update? It ruins the point of having a car when you can't drive anyone.
  5. Treat every moment like a combat situation. Deal with the Pkers, this mod is a PK mod. So get used to it. Without PKing this mod wouldn't be as good as it is.
  6. -A2L-Jono

    DayZ Stories

    I was in the military base near Balota with a friend. We were scavenging around when we found a bandit in a tent covering one entrance. We came in on the other side. We were behind him and he didn't notice. We have heard word he was extremely hostile and armed with an assault rifle. We did what we had to. I put my revolver to his head and blew his brains out with one bullet. I took his gear and we buried his body. I had no remorse because I knew I finished off someone who murdered many others.
  7. -A2L-Jono

    What weapons are available?

    Hmm? I mean I have teammates ingame..
  8. -A2L-Jono

    What weapons are available?

    I have my own help from out of the mod and from my community. I suggest you do the same.
  9. -A2L-Jono

    What weapons are available?

    Exactly. Plus I think it is amusing to kill unsuspecting survivors.
  10. -A2L-Jono

    What weapons are available?

    In some cases yes. This mod is forming a different experience for ArmA. Not a military simulation one.
  11. -A2L-Jono

    DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

    I don't like your bandit rule. Just like other threads say, a lot of bandits have become bandits from self-defense. Your rule is just promoting normal Survivors to hunt bandits.
  12. -A2L-Jono

    What weapons are available?

    Not really. In any other zombie/wasteland games there are plenty of situations where this happens. I even do it sometimes. You have to deal with it.
  13. -A2L-Jono

    A Personal Observation

    Imo, bring friends on the server from outside the mod. No backstabbing and you will have someone to watch your back.
  14. -A2L-Jono

    What weapons are available?

    Well said.