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Grey Warden

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Everything posted by Grey Warden

  1. Grey Warden

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    Dangerous? If people like him were in power then there would be less wars as opposed to people like you being in power with your narrow minded (or is it adsent minded?) attitude. Why don't you GTFO of DayZ and play COD then? The guy is just looking at the game at a different angle with a level of inteligence that you and the OP clearly don't have! Does it make your brain hurt when he speaks with long words? To OP, i take it you did this because you were bored? So the excitment of a firefight with other players who can shoot back with perma death isn't enough for you? You said yourself that you got bored doing this, but TBH anyone could have told you that trying to get to 100 unarmed player kills would be boring. Did you try surviving for 100 days? How about blood bagging 100 people? or what about killing 100 medium or better armed players? Surely these would have been more exciting? Also i don't believe you did this because you were bored of the game. You did this to troll and grief new spawns and then rub it in by posting it all on youtube. If you wanted to prove your 100 kills then all you had to do was take a screen shot of your debug monitor with it showing the 100 or more kills (and lied about it being all well geared up players). But you didn't do this, instead you recorded your 'noob kills' to post and share. Really what were you expecting people to say in response to new spawn killing? "Hey well done your badass for killing 100 noobs!" OR "What a douchebag!" I'll give you 3 guesses.
  2. Grey Warden

    Being a nice guy...

    Thing is some players with bandit skins might have got them through defending themselves against non-bandit skin er...bandits. They might be trying to get rid of their own bandit skin for the reason that you point out (no one will trust them). I don't usually go by skins to identify bandits/heros or whoever inbetween. Watch them to see if they are actively looking for other players, ontop of roofs or overwatching a city, AS50 or other PVP related weapons etc. Sure none of these garantee they are a bandit but its a good indicator. The guy didn't shoot you at first because he wanted to use you for a blood transfusion. Please keep doing what your doing and not fall into the trap of immaturity by saying "everyone else is KOS so i might as well too" (say it with a retarded voice, you'll get what i mean). :beans: for you good sir!
  3. Grey Warden

    Friendly duckheads

    ^^LOL! :lol: :beans:
  4. Grey Warden

    DayZGame vs DayZMod

    Not complaining just not a fanboy. If i was rich i would have both but alas i am not so i have to be careful with my money. I'm not going to throw it at a game (or any luxury item) without knowing all the facts about it first.
  5. Grey Warden

    DayZGame vs DayZMod

    Whose to say Rocket wont start seeing dollar signs and put an in-game shop etc in SA too? I highly doubt it but i have learn't from Bioware etc to not trust in the company/person making the game to not ruin it for financial gain. I hope he wont but the lure is there. I just don't want the SA to be a refined version of the mod i wont it to actually be a game (a Standalone game). I wont be getting either DayZ or WarZ until both have been completed. This mod has been stuck (and most likely stay) in Alpha stage and i don't want to play a game in Alpha anymore. I'll draw my conclusions when both have been finished to what i would buy. I wont be a guinea pig for hackers/griefers/trolls and people like Rocket. If i want to spend my money i want a game thats not half finished (you may like it enough to buy but as its in Alpha it could all change and you could end up hating it with no refund).
  6. Grey Warden

    Friendly duckheads

    Never found satchels but its not like i don't keep on eye on you (so if something appears at your feet that isn't a gun i get away from you if i'm close anyways as i try to put as much distance between people on DayZ anyway). Only players i let close to me are my clan mates or IRL friends.
  7. Grey Warden

    Friendly duckheads

    Yelling friendly in DayZ is not really a good way to 'prove' your intentions are good (because of said dickheads). Better ways are lowering your weapon or turning around to not be pointing at them or simply dropping your weapon. This proves friendly more than any amount of shouting over comms (if you want people to trust you then first give them your trust). If people don't do one of these things i get into cover and warn them to move away or i will open fire. Unless they are new spawns with nothing thats just wrong (but i will break your leg if you comprimise my location and wont leave me alone after several warnings).
  8. Its a form of 'puppet master' hack. Where basically they get control of your character. Not sure how they do this and have not had it done to me but my friends have apparantly had it done to them. I've seen videos on youtube where people have been playing and then they get teleported and everyone's character starts dancing etc. Its annoying when admins ban people for the wrong reasons (or no reason whatsoever) even if they were mistaken they should really look into the logs etc before banning someone. If they don't want to then they shouldn't be an admin as thats the responsibilty of the position.
  9. Grey Warden

    (LUCKY FIND) I spawned in...

    I once found a tent next to me as i spawned at it had that rifle with NV scope that you can't turn off and no not an L85. 5 clips for it, beans, map, compass, watch, toolbox, hatchett, makarov, ammo, AKM but no ammo and some sodas oh and an alice pack is this also a good find? Wait of course it is! Shall i take anything? Well duh! why the hell not?! If there was a bus i would steal it and park it inside a church like my friend did once (i tried but i am a bad driver). DayZ is your story do what you want.
  10. Grey Warden


    I can say with hand on heart that i have never and will never use any form of Alt+f4 or Ctrl+Alt+del etc. I'm not concerned with keeping my gear as i never get into the 'high tier' equipment (never owned NVG). If i am injured regardless of Zed or player i wait it out if unconscious and bleeding for the "you are dead" screen and just start again. To me the fun in the game is going into highly contested areas looking for the basics (hatchett, matches, knife, water bottle, sidearm) and then just surviving and watching people firefight it out in cherno etc with binoculars. If a bandit gets the drop on me or shoots me and i have no time to bandage as he comes charging i simply shrug my shoulders and say 'fair play'. Zeds when they chuck norris you is annoying but hey its a zombie apocalypse they are supposed to be scary! Edit: @Darkwater, or set up a tent to store equipment, though i don't like this it is a legit way of playing.
  11. Grey Warden

    DayZGame vs DayZMod

    I share the same concerns as the OP does. Also i like the idea of 'safe zones' as ways to just simply meet up and have a laugh with people as its hard to do that with strangers in DayZ atm. To have teamates you either have to be part of a clan (rules etc to follow) or have people you know IRL play with you. Safe Zones could make an area where you can wait for others and talk with others to start playing with. The problem i see with safe zones are that you will just have people camp the areas around them to shoot at the 'carebears'. Or you'll join up with someone only for them to kill you once you leave the safe area with them. To be honest it doesn't matter what game you play or what the features are, its the players you are playing with. If most like atm are bandits it makes the game focused on PVP and said safe zones wont work. If the the players were more inclined to PVE then said safe zones would be good features. Get what i mean? Both games rely heavily on the PVP so thats why most people don't like the idea of safe zones as they see them as not working or useless. I have been tempted with WarZ as it looks more 'refined' but the player animations put me off. Things like timecapsules and fortificatiuons are wonderful ideas! To all the haters of WayZ just remember one thing "at least they are trying new ideas". DayZ, even though i like it, has been feeling rather stale lately and IMO i really don't think the SA will add as much as people think. Still DayZ is a great mod! I'd say the best mod i've played (though the list is rather small).
  12. Grey Warden

    People overreacting about Namalsk?

    Random Zeds in the woods is something that i have been waiting for for ages!
  13. Grey Warden

    Day-z Standalone Hackers?

    He has posted this thread 3 times (probably by accident).
  14. Grey Warden

    People overreacting about Namalsk?

    I didn't know Jimmy Saville was a medium!
  15. Grey Warden

    Anthropology Study

    All done. The results are going to be predictable but we shall see as i like surprises!
  16. Grey Warden

    People overreacting about Namalsk?

    Freaky ghost children are what you want for halloween!
  17. Grey Warden

    People overreacting about Namalsk?

    Its those weird noises that to me make it good! The sound of the high winds in your earphones making you think you heard a gunshot or the lack of easily being able to hear them. Chernarus is good but after a while you learn the spawns too easily (TBH thats every map but Chern was first). Like if you want military grade weapons its the airfield or the military tents (forgot name of place haven't played the 'original' map for ages). In Namalsk its everywhere so its not always the same journey everytime you get killed. I died and spawned right next to 3 barracks and had a choice of an AKM or M16 or M107? (the cool sounding sniper rifle). But then i died after hours of travelling without food or water. Also because weapon spawns are everywhere players are travelling alot more around the map and not just sticking to the same old areas for PVP (Cherno, Electro, Stary etc). This causes more risk with the wilderness as in Cherarus i was relatively 'safe' by just staying around in the woods with my 2 water bottles and hunting gear. Now i need to watch out everywhere i go. Give it more time and it will grow on you. Also strangely you'll find, or at least in my experience, more friendly players or at least the bandit will actually loot your corpse because he really needed some of your stuff and not just mindlessly killing you for kicks and giggles. I've heard NVG is gone from it too making night time really scary! But i don't know this for sure yet. Lastely Namalsk is the first and currently only map to make my character sick! Making those heatpacks and Antibiotics actually worth something! Meaning more micro managing for your inventory space (yay!). Only map i have got bored on was actually Panthera even though i like the map i found all the places to look very similar and all the hills to be full of snipers waiting to ambush car owners.
  18. Grey Warden

    Best map besides chernarus?

    Namalsk hands down is the best for me. I liked Panthera too but Namalsk just takes top spot as the atmosphere is just so fricking eerie! High winds covers the sound of gunshots in the distance and then you get the odd scream or Predator like clicking around in the built up areas. People talk about lots of military spawns but i have yet to find one (except i got near one of the bunkers before dieing). Chernarus feels like its just after the apocalyspe started and Namalsk feels like its been a few years in and food etc are becoming very rare (except my first supermarket i found had like 15 cans of food but my friends over on teamspeak said i was VERY lucky).
  19. Grey Warden

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Just my two cents but before this update i've only encountered 1 hacker in all my time of playing DayZ. Since this update has come out i've seen 2 more hackers (reported one as i knew who he was but the other i didn't get a name). Now this could be coincidence but what annoyed me was not being able to abort out when they started shooting everyone. The removal of the alt+f4 was led to Hackers having an easier time griefing people as now they have a longer time to hit you and kill you (so you lose all your stuff). Now losing all my stuff to bandits or any legit means is ok with me but when its due to an unfair advantage (God Mode for example), it just plain breaks the game for me. Surely there was a better way of getting rid of Alt+f4ers (really didn't have problems with these either as i avoid player contact as much as possible). Every other update fix etc has been brilliant this 1.7.3! I love that zombies fall down dead instantly now (no more ninja kicks). I also loved the idea of stopping people who do Alt+f4 but this just helps hackers too much so please remove it as i can deal with Alt+f4s but i can't deal with hacers (if you can't beat them run away! and i can't do that now!).
  20. Grey Warden

    Hacker present

    Just been killed by a Hacker with God Mode on and Soldier outfit on server IP (DE 1554). His name was 'The Tumbling Tumble Weed'. It is 9:44 now but it happened like 5 minutes ago (1 November 2012 London time). Sorry not photos or video as i don't have Bandicam installed or anything like it. This is what happened. I just cooked some meat and headed into the forests. When i notice all of a sudden footsteps behind me (none before maybe teleport?). When i look behind me i see a player with the soldier gear on and with pistol walking up to me. I stop and turn as i had a sniper rifle (sorry forget name, maybe M12 or something like that sry again) and take aim. He unloads a clip into my leg and i go down (fair enough he broke my legs this is dayz well done to you my opponent). But he doesn't execute me and allows me to bandage. He starts talking over direct chat and i'm like "wow a friendly player!". He tells me to quickly bandage and says "this is how this is going to go" and i think (cool a robbery!). I say ok and thank him for not killing me outright and purposefully lower my gun (all this time the excitment takes over the fact that his in soldier outfit). Now it takes a turn for the worse as he tells me and i quote, "say your mother is a whore and i will not execute you" and at this point i'm like (fuck you!) and shoot him in the face at which point he tells me "that ain't gonna work i have god mode on". I tell him his a pussy for not playing the game properly and he says "oh don't start saying how people like me ruin the game" and tells me to say my mother is a whore again. I say no and he says he'll kill me otherwise so i repsond, "no, your mother is a whore!" in which he kills me. No side channel so i couldn't warn other players so i decide to come here to report him. Never had a hacker attack me before (well one time when we all got teleported but i didn't know for sure who did it). Sorry for lack of video or photos and if the information isn't good enough but i had to at least put it out there about this guy. Thank you!
  21. Grey Warden

    Hacker present

    Thanks! I will now be downloading Bandicam at least just for situations like these in the future (hoppefully i wont need it and its the only hacker i ever see).
  22. In a recent firefight in Electro where me and a group of 5-6 other players from the [Regulator] clan, i killed one of the 2 guys who opened fire on us. It came up as a Murder (my first player kill too) and i am just wondering would this make me a Bandit or how many Murders does it take if not? The firefight was us 5-6 Regulators against 2 others who wouldn't stand down no matter how many times we gave them the chance to surrender or retreat (we were there only to grab some supplies from the supermarket). I heard its 5 Murders or maybe 2 but i don't know so if someone could set this straight for me it would be of great help! Thanks!
  23. Grey Warden

    How many Murders until your a Bandit?

    Thanks i was worried i would be counted as a Bandit!
  24. Grey Warden

    New Dayz Developer

    Anyone but EA, the worthless pieces of shit.
  25. Grey Warden


    Because we're all addicts? I don't think you can OD in DayZ i found a box of medical supplies once that kept refilling itself so i gulped down some 20-30 Painkillers to see what would happen...nothing. But yeah agreed theres much more important things to worry about, maybe just think of them as only being a couple left inside the box? Its just a game mechanic like in Halo using a Rocket Launcher to kill 1 person would be overkill right?